In Marxist theory, Socialism is a system of society in which there is no private property, a system in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state. Communism is a totalitarian system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls state-owned means of production with a professed aim of establishing a stateless society. In the final stage, the state has withered away and economic goods are distributed equally. Goods are owned in common and available to all as needed.
In this theory socialism is a transitional state between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done. Communism itself exists nowhere and is a theory that has never worked. The former Soviet Union was in fact, a Socialist state.
Socialism as it is found in the world today is most often a combination of socialism as defined in Marxist theory with some degree of private ownership of property. Even those who disagree with communism may find themselves agreeing with socialism because it seems to be based on the needs and the good of the people. However, socialism is an insidious force—not because it is a political theory, but because of its psychology.
Influence of Karl Marx
► Main article: Dialectical materialism
Many people believe that socialism or communism began with Karl Marx, who proposed that the study of man could be reduced to purely material considerations and that economic systems were the primary determinant in relationships between men. Marx adapted the dialectic of Hegel in his statement that “the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles,”[1] and his concept that all social order founded on class division has within it the seeds of its own destruction until a classless society emerges. Revolution becomes a tool to this end, if necessary.
However, Karl Marx was simply the focalization of forces at work within the collective unconscious of the planetary body, of the people themselves—forces at work since the descent of light from the upper chakras to the lower chakras, otherwise known biblically as the Fall of man.
The problem of this psychology besets us today; and therefore if we are going to deal with socialism and communism, we must understand the subconscious patterns within us all that make these systems of dependence, instead of independence, in both government and economics appealing to some portion of the being of man—that portion not being the Christ-man or the real man.
Historical origins of socialism
Russian dissident Igor Shafarevich explains that the world’s first socialist states were the world’s first states of any kind. He says that socialism is one of those basic universal forces that have been in operation over the entire span of human history. Shafarevich writes:
Socialism cannot be linked with a specific area, geographical context, or culture. All its features, familiar to us from contemporary experience, are met in various historical, geographical and cultural conditions: in socialist states we observe the abolition of private ownership of the means of production, state control of everyday life, and the subordination of the individual to the power of the bureaucracy.[2]
Shafarevich cites three examples of socialist states from the past: Mesopotamia in the twenty-second and twenty-first centuries B.C., the Old Kingdom of Egypt at approximately the same time, and the Incas. All of these states were characterized by the lack of private property, a large bureaucracy, a centrally directed economy, and a forced labor system which tended to weaken the family structure of the majority of its population.
History shows that the world’s first socialist states were the world’s first states of any kind. They reveal, in the slavery of the entire population and the extreme regimentation of their work, the descent into which people who had once lived in golden ages fell with the sinking of Lemuria and Atlantis.
This also explains, from the historical record of karma, why many people today actually crave that same regimentation. It is so inscribed upon their etheric bodies that they have come to regard it as a comfort much like one would long for the womb. They do not have the inner blueprint of the soul’s liberation into higher spheres as the immediate record to tie into. The power of human habit is very binding, and the human habits of consciousness, which mankind have been through for thousands of years because of their original rejection of their ancient teachers, are more predominant in their consciousness than the etheric blueprint of the ideal golden age.
Socialism and capitalism
Socialism is actually a more primitive economic system than capitalism—contrary to the theories of Marx. It ignores the individual’s self-worth; it ignores the Real Self and the I AM Presence. This is very clear today when one enters underdeveloped nations or one sees people who have not developed an individual Christ consciousness. They are not capable of private ownership or the ownership of the means of production, in many cases.
Therefore, socialism is a stage of evolution that should precede capitalism. However, capitalism cannot exist without the principle of the Christ Self. Capitalism, as the free-enterprise system, as the path of initiation established by Jesus Christ, can only work when it is founded upon the guru-chela relationship that is understood to be the individual’s relationship to the Christ.
If socialism follows capitalism and the free-enterprise system, it is because of the decay and the decadence of that system—precisely because Christ, as the principle of the economy and the understanding of the abundant life, has been removed, compromised, perverted, misqualified. In his theory of economic determinism, Marx is counting on socialism following capitalism because he is counting upon the decay and the degeneration of a capitalist society.
Capitalism works when you have moral fiber and the cosmic honor flame. The fallen ones count on the degeneration spiral and the spiral of death in the West in order for socialism to be victorious. They will sow within any system the seeds of its undoing, the seeds of anti-Christ, the seeds of anti-Mother. They manipulate the flow of supply so as to engender in the people a dissatisfaction with the environment and with the outcropping of karma, therefore pushing the people further and further and further to their ultimate goal, which is socialism.
The spiritual foundations of capitalism
Capitalism cannot survive without the basis of the economy on the individual and the individual’s goal of life, to become the Christ. When it becomes a dog-eat-dog, end-justifying-the-means exploitation of the people, when capitalist enterprises become monopolistic and the state enters into these monopolies, then you have destroyed the fundamental principle of capitalism, which is individuality. You have also destroyed the fundamental principle of Christianity, which Jesus stated, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”[3]
The golden rule is the foundation of a golden-age economy and of the abundant life. However, certain compromises of Christ’s teaching and misunderstandings of his doctrine have prevented the fullness of Christ’s Christianity from being the foundation of our life. And without the fullness of the understanding of his teaching, there is a weak foundation in government, and in the economy. With this mass ignorance it is then easier to destroy the foundations of the system, which is intended to be based upon God and his expression in man.
So we see that capitalism is being destroyed today in the West and in free nations on a parallel line and at the same rate as religion is being destroyed. And there is no hope for the survival of the free-enterprise system until and unless people cease to use the freedom of the free-enterprise system to exploit one another and to rebel against the individual karma of their lives.
Socialism and soul evolution
In a socialist state, you go to work on a collective farm, you go to work in a factory, and you are told what to do from morning to night. You don’t have to think, you’re on the assembly line. And by not having to think, you are not forced to reach for your Christ mind—to reach for that source of creativity which explodes through the light of the Holy Ghost.
Therefore a depression and a death consciousness sets in upon the people because they are no longer in that relationship of interchange with the Trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. They don’t have to dig, they don’t have to go to the source. They don’t have those challenges where they have to worry about their own economic survival, the survival of their family, the building of a house, earning a livelihood, bringing forth children, their education. All of those challenges keep the mind sharp. When all of this is done by the state and all you have to do is feed and clothe yourself, you arrive at that state of decay and decadence at which we are arriving in the West today.
So we have a very serious problem: the human habit pattern of mental laziness. It comes from not having to really summon our forces to contact a higher source of God consciousness in order to conquer time and space. And when we do not understand the conquering of time and space as the goal of the path of initiation, then we no longer have a reason for existence. Gradually the life instinct is replaced by the death instinct.
God is life, God is a creator, and we are created to be co-creators with him. When we cease to create, we cease to have the life force pulsating through us. The will to life is parallel with the will to create, and when you lose the will to create because it is taken from you by the socialist or communist state, you really lose the will to live. And because life is energy, something must happen to that energy, and it becomes perverted, even as the creative force is perverted. It therefore becomes the will to die.
And this is why so many thousands of people have risked their lives trying to escape from communist states. They have uttered those very words, “If I have to live under a communist state, if I have to live under a socialist state, I would rather be dead.” Freedom is the gift to create and to co-create with God.
Creation through the threefold flame
When you have the will to live and the will to create, then you summon the second ray, the Christ consciousness, the illumined mind of God: “I have the will to be. Now I have to figure out how to do it. And I acknowledge that I am not equipped with the full understanding of what it takes to fulfill my will. Therefore I will get it. I will get educated, I will get experience, I will do research, I will find out how to fulfill this will.”
The will is a tremendous impetus that catapults the soul to the highest plane of the Christ consciousness so that it can contact the mind of God, out of whose mind one derives the understanding of the fulfillment of the will. Then when one figures out how to create, one must look for the natural resources, the energy with which to create. Natural resources are the manifestation of the love ray, the Holy Ghost—the action of will-impetus with wisdom.
Without love there is no creativity. Love is the free, random interaction of souls, lifewaves, communities, families, people. It is spontaneous. There is no other form of love but spontaneous love. It cannot be regimented because it is always the gift and the grace of God. It is the descent of the Holy Ghost that is the gift of love—love that is non-possessive and mutually satisfying because it is the fulfillment of the divine plan of all who share in this love.
Socialism and communism are a regimentation of will, a regimentation of knowledge or understanding or science, and a regimentation of love. And the whole system collapses because it puts to death the Trinity and its action within the individual.
In underdeveloped countries you find that people often do not have the will to create, they do not have a drive to get wisdom, they do not have an interaction with the Holy Ghost. In those societies that have not had a basic foundation and a long tradition of the guru-chela relationship—following Krishna or Gautama or Jesus Christ or any of the avatars—you find that there is nothing upon which to build a free-enterprise system. Many of the people of the underdeveloped nations in Asia and Africa today are simply not equipped to have a free-enterprise system or a basic representative form of government.
In these circumstances socialism may be simply the lesser of evils—even though it is not the ultimate answer. But this is a serious dilemma, and when all is said and done, to have harmony in government upon earth is really not possible among a people who have denied their God and denied his incarnation among them.
The free-enterprise system
Estados Unidos, como país, fue escogido por la Gran Hermandad Blanca como lugar donde establecer el ejemplo de hermandad mediante el ejemplo de individuos que realizan su Cristeidad a través de su iniciativa propia. La iniciativa es iniciación. Los estadounidenses afrontan sus iniciaciones en la Gran Hermandad Blanca por iniciativa propia.
Para un desarrollo total de esa iniciativa, Saint Germain planeó un gobierno limitado con la mayor libertad para el individuo y los estados individuales y el menor control del gobierno federal. Saint Germain planeó un sistema de libre empresa con muy poca interferencia por parte del gobierno federal o local, de forma que la maestría sobre el tiempo y el espacio y la demostración de la autoestima individual descanse sobre los hombros del individuo. Siempre que se ha mantenido este plan de Saint Germain, ha existido una plataforma para la iniciación, una plataforma para llegar a ser el Cristo.
Sin embargo, este plan ha sido alterado durante el último siglo. Se les ha dado la vuelta a las cosas enormemente para revertir lo que ha establecido Saint Germain. Ya no encontramos un sistema de libre empresa como se pretendió en un principio, en cambio, cada vez hay más gobierno con un máximo de controles gubernamentales y un mínimo de iniciativa necesaria por parte del individuo.
Esto ha limitado el sendero de iniciación, ha limitado la oportunidad para que el individuo se convierta en el Cristo y sea aceptado como un eslabón en la cadena de la Jerarquía y un miembro de la Gran Hermandad Blanca. Hoy día vemos que es más difícil llegar a ser el Cristo de lo que lo era hace cinco años, hace diez, hace quince, hace veinte y, desde luego, mucho más difícil de lo que lo era cuando los primeros colonos llegaron y tuvieron que forjarse una vida en la tierra salvaje. Cuanto más dificultosa es la vida, cuanto más difícil es el entorno, cuando menos ayuda recibes, mayor es el cálculo para que te conviertas en maestro de tu vida.
Ahora vemos que el Gobierno le quita a la gente lo que se necesita para el desarrollo inteligente de la conciencia Crística. El Gobierno no solo priva a la gente de su dinero con los impuestos, sino que lo hace a través de la inflación y al hacer que el dinero pierda su valor. Por tanto, cuando la gente trabaja y realiza una labor sagrada con sus manos, no recibe a cambio la riqueza con la que han contribuido al país. ¿Esto qué produce? Letargo, pereza, indiferencia, el país ya no tiene un pueblo unido que lo empuje. Y eso destruye totalmente el desarrollo de ese potencial Crístico.
La Comunidad del Espíritu Santo
► Artículo principal: Comunidad del Espíritu Santo
When we have perfected our Christhood, when we have perfected a sacred labor, we have known the joy of the fruits of our labor, we are ready for the next initiation—the initiation of the Holy Spirit. The action of the Holy Spirit is community.
Todas las leyes de la libertad que se aplican a la individualización de la llama Crística, ahora se aplican a la comunidad. Pero, cuando antes un individuo determinaba el curso de los acontecimientos —por ejemplo, siendo el sostén de la familia, teniendo una empresa—, ahora podría haber cien o mil individuos que han decidido que se entienden mutuamente como un solo ser, como un cuerpo de Dios, como una comunidad. Y comprenden que, si combinan su estado como hijos o hijas de Dios, si combinan sus llamas, tendrán mucho más poder para realizar y cumplir los propósitos a los que aspiran.
Para la realización suprema de la comunidad, los Maestros Ascendidos han ideado un sistema económico totalmente distinto. Este es el patrón de la Comunidad del Espíritu Santo, que vemos ilustrado en la Iglesia cristiana primitiva: «Todos los que habían creído estaban juntos, y tenían en común todas las cosas; y vendían sus propiedades y sus bienes, y lo repartían a todos según la necesidad de cada uno»[4]. Este sendero de la Comunidad del Espíritu Santo ha sido pervertido en esta época por los abusos del comunismo. La comunidad sin el logro del Cristo se ha convertido en «comunalismo» o comunismo.
The perversion of the Holy Spirit
Cuando se impone la comunidad a personas que no poseen el logro de la conciencia Crística y el vínculo con la Gran Hermandad Blanca, se producen estados totalitarios. Se produce la obligada redistribución de la riqueza. Se obliga a la gente realizar un trabajo con el que su talento individual no encaja.
De este modo se le arranca al individuo su identidad Crística, aquel talento individual que ha desarrollado, antes de que esa identidad Crística está completa. Así se les arranca a las naciones su identidad individual, su karma como grupo y su dharma como grupo. Esto significa forzar la Comunidad del Espíritu Santo, primero como la Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas y, después, forzar al mundo entero a formar parte de esa comunidad de comunismo mundial antes de la que los individuos de ese mundo hayan logrado la conciencia Crística. Al saltarse ese paso iniciático, todo ello se convierte en la perversión total del Espíritu Santo.
The only difference between socialism or communism and a true community of the Holy Spirit is whether or not the Matter bowl is infused with Spirit. Socialism and communism are an attempt to create a Matter society and a Matter golden age without Spirit, whereas only by the path of chelaship and discipleship under the Lord Christ can we truly achieve a community of the Holy Spirit.
The community of the Holy Spirit would be the voluntary surrendering of all that one is because one has attained a sufficient level of individual self-worth that one has the supreme realization that one is God, one has attained the individualization of the Christ Self, and so one is now able to surrender the totality of that consciousness for the wholeness of the community.
This is a legitimate stage of evolution. But it only comes through spirituality. We see today that socialism and communism is the taking by force of what one has earned by one’s genius. It is the redistribution of wealth by means of taxation and by means of the abolition of private property and private ownership of the means of production. It is the taking by force of what the individual has gained by his investment of energy and consciousness in life, instead of it being given by the individual’s freewill love offering upon the altar of God. And so it becomes a regimentation of the Holy Spirit and its energy; it’s the forcing of a maturity of spiritual consciousness which has not yet been developed.
The problem of socialism
The problem with socialism is that it deprives the individual of the opportunity to exercise his own creative genius in shaping his environment, in drawing forth his talents from his causal body.
When more and more goods and services are provided by the state, when the state takes care of everything, you lose the important opportunity of life to balance your karma. When the welfare state takes away all of your pain by providing for all of your needs, then you lose contact with your source because you are not forced to make any demands upon life. Furthermore, under a socialist system, if you have forged out of your causal body great light and great attainment, you are forced to immediately give it away.
Socialism, then, becomes a doctrine of the fallen ones who themselves have abused their own light and the light of God. They have nothing in their hands to show for their existence of thousands of years, so they stomp their feet and shake their fists at Almighty God and demand everything equally with the lightbearers who have earned their way.
See also
For more information
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Path of Brotherhood
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Seduction of Socialism and the Responsibility of Freedom (audio and video album)
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, October 6, 1977.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, October 9, 1978.
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Path of Brotherhood, pp. 101–04.
- ↑ Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, Manifesto of the Communist Party, trans. Samuel Moore, part 1.
- ↑ Igor Shafarevich, “Socialism in Our Past and Future,” published in Alexander Solzhenitsyn et al., From Under the Rubble (New York: Little, Brown and Company, 1975).
- ↑ Matt. 22:37–39; Mark 12:29–31; Luke 10:27.
- ↑ Hechos 2:44–45.