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Created page with "El príncipe Orómasis y la princesa Diana, como su séquito se dirige a ellos, prestan servicio con las jerarquías de Capricornio, Acuario y Piscis para enseñar a la humani..."
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(Created page with "El príncipe Orómasis y la princesa Diana, como su séquito se dirige a ellos, prestan servicio con las jerarquías de Capricornio, Acuario y Piscis para enseñar a la humani...")
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== Su servicio ==
== Su servicio ==

Prince Oromasis and Princess Diana, as they are addressed by their retinue, serve with the [[Twelve solar hierarchies|hierarchies]] of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces to teach mankind the mastery of the etheric plane, and with the hierarchies of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius in teaching the mastery of the fire element. They also work with [[Zarathustra]] and the priests of the Order of [[Melchizedek]].
El príncipe Orómasis y la princesa Diana, como su séquito se dirige a ellos, prestan servicio con las jerarquías de Capricornio, Acuario y Piscis para enseñar a la humanidad la maestría del plano etérico; y con las jerarquías de Aries, Leo y Sagitario para enseñar la maestría del elemento fuego. También trabajan con Zaratustra y los sacerdotes de la Orden de Melquisedec.

Being of the fiery element themselves, they work closely with the etheric, or fire, body of man and assist him in mastering the [[caduceus]] action and in opening the seven [[chakra]]s, in addition to regulating the flow of light through the chakras and aligning the [[four lower bodies]].
Being of the fiery element themselves, they work closely with the etheric, or fire, body of man and assist him in mastering the [[caduceus]] action and in opening the seven [[chakra]]s, in addition to regulating the flow of light through the chakras and aligning the [[four lower bodies]].