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Created page with "Palas Atena é uma das divindades mais importantes da mitologia grega, e na mitologia romana é conhecida como Minerva. A sua influência abarca desde a administração govern..."
(Created page with "Palas Atena é a chama gêmea do Maha Chohan, que representa o Special:MyLanguage/Holy Spirit|Espírito...")
(Created page with "Palas Atena é uma das divindades mais importantes da mitologia grega, e na mitologia romana é conhecida como Minerva. A sua influência abarca desde a administração govern...")
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Palas Atena é a [[Special:MyLanguage/twin flame|chama gêmea]] do [[Special:MyLanguage/Maha Chohan|Maha Chohan]], que representa o [[Special:MyLanguage/Holy Spirit|Espírito Santo]] na Terra. Os dois formam um par indômito na defesa da verdade. O Maha Chohan encarnou como o poeta grego Homero que nos poemas épicos, ''Ilíada'' e ''Odisseia'', escreveu sobre Palas Atena.  
Palas Atena é a [[Special:MyLanguage/twin flame|chama gêmea]] do [[Special:MyLanguage/Maha Chohan|Maha Chohan]], que representa o [[Special:MyLanguage/Holy Spirit|Espírito Santo]] na Terra. Os dois formam um par indômito na defesa da verdade. O Maha Chohan encarnou como o poeta grego Homero que nos poemas épicos, ''Ilíada'' e ''Odisseia'', escreveu sobre Palas Atena.  

Pallas Athena is one of the most important deities in Greek mythology, and in Roman mythology she is identified as Minerva. Her influence spans everything from the administration of government and militaristic pursuits to the delicate arts of spinning and weaving. She is seen as the very personification of wisdom who presides over the intellectual and moral side of human life.  
Palas Atena é uma das divindades mais importantes da mitologia grega, e na mitologia romana é conhecida como Minerva. A sua influência abarca desde a administração governamental e atividades militares até às delicadas artes da fiação e da tecelagem. Ela é tida como a personificação da sabedoria que rege o aspecto moral e intelectual da vida humana.  

Athena was the heart of the spiritual life of ancient Athens. The Greeks adored her as the defender of their cities and honored her with many titles. She is revered as the Goddess of War and Peace, the Goddess of Wisdom, patron of arts and crafts, and guardian of cities. She is also honored as the inventor and protector of culture and as the protector of civilized life and agriculture. She has been called the Counselor-Goddess and Goddess of the Assembly for her role in maintaining law and order in the courts and administering justice. She is also looked to as the Goddess of the Working Woman because of her mastery in spinning, weaving and needlework.
Athena was the heart of the spiritual life of ancient Athens. The Greeks adored her as the defender of their cities and honored her with many titles. She is revered as the Goddess of War and Peace, the Goddess of Wisdom, patron of arts and crafts, and guardian of cities. She is also honored as the inventor and protector of culture and as the protector of civilized life and agriculture. She has been called the Counselor-Goddess and Goddess of the Assembly for her role in maintaining law and order in the courts and administering justice. She is also looked to as the Goddess of the Working Woman because of her mastery in spinning, weaving and needlework.
