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Saint Patrick/pt: Difference between revisions

Created page with "<blockquote>Sigamos até às montanhas, na terra de Erin, onde um jovem escravizado por pagãos se mantém em oração, dia e noite. Tão fervoroso é o amor de Deus no seu in..."
(Created page with "== Sanat Kumara e São Patrício ==")
(Created page with "<blockquote>Sigamos até às montanhas, na terra de Erin, onde um jovem escravizado por pagãos se mantém em oração, dia e noite. Tão fervoroso é o amor de Deus no seu in...")
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[[Sanat Kumara]] tells us that it was by his calling that Patrick was raised up to be an apostle of the Christ and to subdue the seed of [[serpent]] in Ireland. Sanat Kumara speaks of his son Patrick:  
[[Sanat Kumara]] tells us that it was by his calling that Patrick was raised up to be an apostle of the Christ and to subdue the seed of [[serpent]] in Ireland. Sanat Kumara speaks of his son Patrick:  

<blockquote>Let us go to the mountain in the land of Erin where a youth enslaved by pagans is in prayer through the day and into the night. So fervent is the love of God within him that the fire of his heart is a light midst snow and ice. He lived on the mountain, alone with God, tending his master’s herds. And on that mountain, I called my son Patrick, that out of the condition of servitude there might be produced the miracle fire of freedom.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Sigamos até às montanhas, na terra de Erin, onde um jovem escravizado por pagãos se mantém em oração, dia e noite. Tão fervoroso é o amor de Deus no seu interior, que o fogo que tem no coração é uma luz em meio à neve e ao gelo. Ele vivia nas montanhas, sozinho com Deus, cuidando do rebanho do seu patrão. Naquela montanha, chamei o meu filho Patrício para que, a partir daquela situação de servidão, fosse produzido o fogo milagroso da liberdade.</blockquote>

<blockquote>It was late fourth century <small>A</small>.<small>D</small>. and the clans of the Irish—the reincarnated [[Twelve tribes of Israel|tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh]]—were ruled by a host of kings. They served not the L<small>ORD</small> God, nor had they the salvation of his Son. Therefore I, the Ancient of Days, called my son, freeborn, unto slavery that I might deliver him to freedom and to the mission of implanting the [[violet flame]] in the hearts of my true sons and daughters that they might one day carry it to the New World in the name of [[Saint Germain]].</blockquote>
<blockquote>It was late fourth century <small>A</small>.<small>D</small>. and the clans of the Irish—the reincarnated [[Twelve tribes of Israel|tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh]]—were ruled by a host of kings. They served not the L<small>ORD</small> God, nor had they the salvation of his Son. Therefore I, the Ancient of Days, called my son, freeborn, unto slavery that I might deliver him to freedom and to the mission of implanting the [[violet flame]] in the hearts of my true sons and daughters that they might one day carry it to the New World in the name of [[Saint Germain]].</blockquote>
