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== Monte Shasta ==
== Monte Shasta ==

Mount Shasta was once the crown chakra of Lemuria. Within the mountain was the physical retreat of the Brotherhood of Mount Shasta. In 1988 [[Sanat Kumara]] announced “the withdrawal of the Brotherhood of Mount Shasta from the retreat physical of Mount Shasta. This entire Brotherhood, therefore, does withdraw and does transfer their forcefield and focus both into the [[Royal Teton Retreat|Grand Teton]] and into another area of the northern Rockies.<ref>Sanat Kumara, “The Warning,” {{POWref|31|4|, January 24, 1988}}</ref>
O monte Shasta já foi o chakra da coroa da Lemúria. No interior da montanha ficava o retiro físico da Fraternidade do Monte Shasta. Em 1988, [[Special:MyLanguage/Sanat Kumara|Sanat Kumara]] anunciou que: “A Fraternidade do Monte Shasta deixa o retiro físico do monte Shasta. Toda a Fraternidade se retira transferindo o campo de força e o foco para o [[Special:MyLanguage/Royal Teton Retreat|Grande Teton]] e para uma outra região ao norte das Montanhas Rochosas”.<ref>Sanat Kumara, The Warning (O Aviso), Pérolas de Sabedoria, vol. 31, n° 4, 24 de janeiro de 1988.</ref>

The books of Godfré Ray King, [[Phylos the Tibetan]] and others have referred to the Brotherhood of Mount Shasta, and many people pilgrimage there seeking the ascended masters. It is important to know that the retreat of this Brotherhood is no longer within the mountain, and unfortunately, those who journey there often find those who profess to guard the strongholds of the mysteries and the I AM Presence, yet who lead them away from the true masters and their teachings.
The books of Godfré Ray King, [[Phylos the Tibetan]] and others have referred to the Brotherhood of Mount Shasta, and many people pilgrimage there seeking the ascended masters. It is important to know that the retreat of this Brotherhood is no longer within the mountain, and unfortunately, those who journey there often find those who profess to guard the strongholds of the mysteries and the I AM Presence, yet who lead them away from the true masters and their teachings.
