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<blockquote>You can feel, in the hidden recesses of your heart within, the presence of this ark—an ark of safety, an ark of light, a place to receive the commandments of God, that they themselves, being written there, may speak out from your heart with the authority of the Law from Zion. For did I not correctly apprehend him when he said, “Zion is my holy mount and I will dwell therein forever”?<ref>Ps. 132.</ref> Shall not the joy of Zion, then, run throughout the earth, and the great four rivers themselves in their confluence comment upon the restoration of the consciousness of Eden?<ref>Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1968, “The Ark of the Covenant,” {{POWref|26|14|, April 3, 1983}}</ref></blockquote>
<blockquote>You can feel, in the hidden recesses of your heart within, the presence of this ark—an ark of safety, an ark of light, a place to receive the commandments of God, that they themselves, being written there, may speak out from your heart with the authority of the Law from Zion. For did I not correctly apprehend him when he said, “Zion is my holy mount and I will dwell therein forever”?<ref>Ps. 132.</ref> Shall not the joy of Zion, then, run throughout the earth, and the great four rivers themselves in their confluence comment upon the restoration of the consciousness of Eden?<ref>Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1968, “The Ark of the Covenant,” {{POWref|26|14|, April 3, 1983}}</ref></blockquote>
=== 1970 A golden pyramid with a magnificent capstone ===
<blockquote>This time a strange phenomenon is witnessed, for there are two bearers in white that are accompanying the beloved Sanat Kumara. And they are carrying what appears to be a giant white pyramid. And within this white pyramid, something is enfolded—some object, we are certain.</blockquote>
<blockquote>And we do have the power to penetrate the beautiful white substance that shimmers so delightfully, which is shaped as a great white pyramid. And we could, if we would, go through it and see what it is—before he chose to reveal it. But here is a beautiful example of cosmic graciousness: ''no one'', no one of us would dream of doing it. For we wait as you do for the supreme moment of revelation when all will be revealed.</blockquote>
<blockquote>And now, the two gracious gentlemen in white have placed upon the altar here, in the Great Throne Room of the Teton, this precious pyramid of white. And two beautiful angelic beings are approaching to remove the covering. As they lift it now, what do you think the thoughtform for the year [1970] has become? A natural figure that some of you may have anticipated, for they say that coming events cast their shadows before them—and in this case, it is a golden pyramid with a magnificent white capstone with the eye of God looking every way within it. And the light rays are magnificently pouring out from it!</blockquote>
<blockquote>Your Pyramid Conference symbol, the symbol of the Great Seal of the United States,<ref>The Pyramid Conference (1969 Harvest class) was held October 9–12, 1969, Colorado Springs. The central figure on the reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States is an unfinished pyramid. Suspended above it is the All-Seeing Eye of God centered in the capstone. For Cyclopea’s teaching on “The Mystery of the Capstone” (March 23, 1980) and “The Components of the Capstone” (March 30, 1980), see ''A Prophecy of Karma to Earth and Her Evolutions'' (''Pearls of Wisdom'', vol. 23), pp. 71, 73–74.</ref> has now become a symbol of world building, of personal building—the building of the character of the individual, the building and raising of the Pyramid of Life, the elevation and constructivism of a new era as the decade begins. And all is centered in the magnificent capstone of life, light, and love. The eye of God, then, beholds the affairs of men, and whatsoever they do in secret can be shouted and shall be shouted from the housetops.<ref>Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1960, “A Magnificent Capstone,” {{POWref|26|15|, April 10, 1983}}</ref></blockquote>
=== 1972 A golden clock with the hands pointing to five minutes to twelve ===
<blockquote>As our consciousness is raised on high unto the vibratory level of the Spirit, we behold at last  the beauty of the cosmic cloud, tinged with gold, coming down out of heaven as an unrolling scroll.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Behind the cloud is an unearthly light. A sudden splendor fills the air, as though a bolt of blue lightning had peacefully descended through the waiting air to cleave asunder the pathway of space from infinity into the time constant. And with the moving of the belt of time, the hand of God delivers unto us the mighty scroll containing the thoughtform for this year [1972].</blockquote>
<blockquote>It is the face of a golden clock with the hands pointing to five minutes to twelve. And at the point of twelve, a beautiful [[Maltese cross]] springs forth, embellished with thirty-six magnificent amethysts within each arm of the cross. And the cross is symbolical—symbolical of the perfection of the Presence bringing unto mankind’s attention the fact that the time is short.</blockquote>
<blockquote>The fact that the face of the clock is golden and the hours are likewise golden, the fact that at the apex of twelve stands the transmuting, perfectly balanced cross of the cosmic law, the Maltese cross (which is symbolical of the perfectionment of [[Saint Germain]], the God of Freedom to the Earth), containing the thirty-six symbolical jewels in each arm (the number 144 revealing the archetypes of perfection), should speak to all hearts, showing them their appointed sphere and their appointed opportunity, which is the dedication of themselves unto the Sun behind the sun.</blockquote>
<blockquote>For in reality, the golden face of the clock is the face of the sun. And all should understand that the rays of the fiery orb itself, which beautifully inhabits the universe, are tangible ones, affecting the magnetic flux of the Earth and of all planetary orbs, assisting the boat of the planet Earth to float through the ocean of space in palatial splendor, a godchild from the heart of God.<ref>Gautama Buddha, January 1, 1972, “Five Minutes to Twelve,” {{POWref|26|21|, May 22, 1983}}</ref></blockquote>

=== 1975 A multifaceted jewel focusing the flame of the mind of God ===
=== 1975 A multifaceted jewel focusing the flame of the mind of God ===