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<blockquote>It is returned to you after hundreds of thousands of years. For this, the original standard, is that with which souls of light went forth to claim an earth and an evolution for the victory and to one day come to these shores known as the Promised Land. For here in America, you were told by Alpha and Omega, every promise of God to your soul would be fulfilled if your free will would confirm that promise. And so America has been a land of hope and of dreams and of opportunity and of fulfillment for many.<ref>Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1978, “An Experience Restored in the Third Eye and the Crown Chakra,” {{POWref|54|2|, January 15, 2011}}</ref></blockquote>
<blockquote>It is returned to you after hundreds of thousands of years. For this, the original standard, is that with which souls of light went forth to claim an earth and an evolution for the victory and to one day come to these shores known as the Promised Land. For here in America, you were told by Alpha and Omega, every promise of God to your soul would be fulfilled if your free will would confirm that promise. And so America has been a land of hope and of dreams and of opportunity and of fulfillment for many.<ref>Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1978, “An Experience Restored in the Third Eye and the Crown Chakra,” {{POWref|54|2|, January 15, 2011}}</ref></blockquote>
=== 1980 The great symbol of Life begetting Life ===
<blockquote>Out of the inner spheres, out of the [[Great Central Sun]], O my beloved, there comes the sealed light of the thought form for the year, as it is accounted in the earth, 1980. Out of the great heart of Sanat Kumara, whose heart is the chalice of [[Solar Logoi]], whose hearts raise up the chalice unto the God of very gods—so there descends the thought form that delineates the matrix in the mind of God of that which is to be a year and a decade of integration.</blockquote>
<blockquote>'''The great symbol of Life begetting Life''' that I give to your upraised chalices from our dear L<small>ORD</small> now appears before us as a mighty fiery figure eight. And, my beloved, it is a piercing light. And in the inner dimensions of cosmos, it is in all dimensions so spherical. And the movement of light illustrates even the very secrets of the movement of cosmos.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Suspended, then, in the upper sphere is the Madonna of the Universal Mother. She is beautiful to behold—God as Mother. And her flowing garments and her light; and the cherubim—who surround her and the billowing garments—extend gently. And in the lower figure there appears the image of the Manchild. And that Manchild is the Person of the [[Cosmic Christ]]. And lo, the fulfillment of the Almighty in this year and the symbol of Life is the coming of the Mother and the Child.</blockquote>
<blockquote>[[Mother Mary|Mary]] and Jesus have held this archetypal symbol in the earth. Now the cosmic hour is struck when those who worship God in Spirit (the Spirit of the I AM THAT I AM of the Father) and in Truth (the Truth of the Son incarnate as the Christ Self) must worship God as Mother ennobling Life. And they must worship the Manchild in each little child and manchild....</blockquote>
<blockquote>I tell you, beloved ones, this thought form of the year is in consonance with the vision of [[John the Beloved|John]] in [[Book of Revelation|Revelation]] of the [[Woman clothed with the sun]] appearing in heaven and bringing forth the Manchild. Therefore you may also know that it is the sign when the Woman who is raised up is the Woman persecuted by the dragon. Thereby you will know it is the sign of the coming of [[Archangel Michael|Michael the Archangel]] and all of the [[Armageddon]] which follows when [[Serpent]], the Devil and [[Satan]], the great red dragon are cast out of the upper sphere into the lower sphere to be the testing of the souls who would enter into the heart flame of the Manchild.<ref>Rev. 12.</ref></blockquote>
<blockquote>Understand this, my beloved—that the devil is come down having great wrath, making war with the remnant of the Woman’s seed. Understand that it is the initiation of the seed of the Woman to overcome that dragon, before that seed might truly enter into the lower sphere and be forevermore the Divine Manchild held in the arms of the Universal Mother.<ref>Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1979, “I Will Be in the Heart of the Little Child,” ''Pearls of Wisdom'' 1980, Prologue.</ref></blockquote>
=== 1981 The right hand of God over the earth extended in a mudra of peace, the left hand beneath ===
<blockquote>The thought form for the year 1981 is '''the hand of God over earth, extended in the mudra of peace'''. The right hand of God over the earth, '''the left hand beneath''' the earth—thus, the currents of Alpha and Omega sustaining Cosmic Christ peace, passing through the planetary body and evolutions.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Peace be unto you from the heart of Sanat Kumara, from the heart of Almighty God. From above, from beneath—the flame of peace is amplified. Already, in seconds, [[Elohim]] and archangels, legions of peace and of the Lord Jesus Christ and the avatars take up the thought form in heart and begin to send streams, tributaries of peace to reinforce this thought form.</blockquote>
<blockquote>There will be no peace on earth this year without a price or without honor. The sacred fire of peace will increase, at first, the tensions of war and the uncovering of the records of war. Be not dismayed if nation shall take up war against nation, for this is not the sign of the end but the sign of the coming of the flame of peace that must precede the [[golden age]]. And if peace accelerating in thy heart produce a sword in thy members—I pray, bear it well. I pray, fasten the soul to the most perfect love and the most perfect star of thy mighty [[I AM Presence]].</blockquote>
<blockquote>If peace as a sword in the nations produce turmoil and strife, remember—remember the Rock,<ref>I Cor. 10:4.</ref> remember the mountain, remember that following this meditation you will remember that out of the heart of the mountain of peace within the desire body is the perfect peace of the light of the [[Great Central Sun]] which you may invoke and call forth and direct for the consuming of war, the consciousness behind war, the causes and effects of war, and the ungodly buildup of armaments East and West. And know that each and every opposing vibration of peace can be consumed out of the fount of light and energy within the heart of the mountain.<ref>Gautama Buddha, January 1, 1981, “Readiness in the L<small>ORD</small>—The Power of Perfect Peace,” {{POWref|24|11|, March 15, 1981}}</ref></blockquote>
=== 1982 A scroll held by two doves: “A Proclamation of Freedom by the World Mother” ===
<blockquote>I stretch forth my hand to receive from the hand of the Lord Sanat Kumara the beautiful New Year’s scroll. I open it in the heart of the Royal Teton Retreat. And now there appears before me the thought form for the year 1982.</blockquote>
<blockquote>It is the white dove of the Holy Spirit, '''two doves holding a scroll''' itself. It is entitled: “'''A Proclamation of Freedom by the World Mother'''.” It is written by the hand of beloved [[Omega]]. It is a divine document that proclaims for individuals and peoples, karmic groups upon earth, light-bearers, embodied angels—each and every one!—a statement of freedom. It is the annunciation of freedom.</blockquote>
<blockquote>This thought form of the scroll held by two doves is delivered individually to the heart of every light-bearer on earth. There are even proclamations for those who have fallen from grace who yet are given opportunity to return to that level of grace by accepting and implementing the proclamation of freedom that affects their individual lifestreams.</blockquote>
<blockquote>This scroll contains an outline of the final opportunity for freedom, and the freedom ultimately to be God, to every lifestream upon earth yet counted under this dispensation by beloved [[Alpha and Omega]].</blockquote>
<blockquote>One can see that many months, by earth’s time, have been necessary for the writing of the proclamation. It is the stretching forth of the hand of the Mother Guru, Ah!-Mega, Oh!-Mega, that no stone be left unturned in order that every last lifestream might know the meaning of freedom, what is accorded by cosmic law to his lifestream, and the knowledge of its implementation as well. All of the writing is in script and in gold.</blockquote>
<blockquote>One can see how the heart of the messenger, inclined to the heart of Omega, has captured some elements of this proclamation and this thought form in the one that she has delivered on Christmas Day.<ref>Refers to the ''Declaration of International Interdependence of the Sons and Daughters of God Apart from Their Political, Economic, and Military Oppressors in Every Nation on Earth'', delivered by the messenger preceding Jesus’ Christmas Day address. See ''Pearls of Wisdom'', vol. 25, pp. 41–48.</ref> There are many more freedoms to be proclaimed and grievances to be stated. This, Omega herself has done.</blockquote>
<blockquote>The Cosmic Virgin has beheld the travail of her sons, over aeons in time and space, to draw back to the heart of the Father the recalcitrant, decadent ones, the stubborn and the proud, the willful and the estranged. This proclamation is made in honor of the truly herculean efforts that have been made by world teachers, shepherds, and avatars inasmuch as they have spent their life, embodiment after embodiment, to draw the light-bearers home.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Omega has honored their unrewarded endeavor by this reward (which I can tell you, on behalf of all of us who have served, is the greatest reward which we could receive)—“A Proclamation of Freedom,” that we might know in our hearts throughout all eternity that not only our own efforts but that of the Cosmic Virgin herself were not spared and that truly every lifestream received the ultimate opportunity to choose to live in and as God forevermore!</blockquote>
<blockquote>Blessed ones, the Lord Sanat Kumara tells me that this very thought form of the scroll, with the two doves bearing it in their beaks, is part of the ancient memory of every soul gone forth from the Great Throne Room of Alpha and Omega. For Omega’s parting words to those who went forth were a reminder that in the final hour of opportunity, when no more chances might be taken to go in a way perverse should come—that in that hour, two doves would appear, two doves would appear with the scroll “A Proclamation of Freedom.”</blockquote>
<blockquote>For, you see, one of the greatest mistakes of the recalcitrant ones is to always think that Mother will give them one more chance, one more round, one more opportunity. And, of course, all good things must come to an end, even the playground of the Matter spheres. And the school bell rings. And the Teacher/Mother must call her children home from the playgrounds of the universes of life.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Thus, that they might truly know that the bell will not sound again, each was to receive and does in this hour receive that personal scroll of “A Proclamation of Freedom” specifically applicable to his own lifestream.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Let us dream the dream of God for all life. Let us understand the love of Omega for Alpha and of Alpha for Omega—and in the divine parents represented here in Elohim know that each dove bears in its heart the kiss of Father, the kiss of Mother, and that is the transmission and the greeting when the doves descend to each heart.</blockquote>
<blockquote>I tell you, blessed ones, as these scrolls are being delivered by millions of doves of the Spirit upon earth in this moment, there are hearts leaping for joy, such immense and untold joy! And there are others who are sorely ashamed, and some who are rebellious, and some who will not even receive the scroll as though, by not receiving it, they could consider that somehow it was never delivered and therefore its law does not apply to them. The folly of the backwards consciousness!</blockquote>
<blockquote>Alas, there are some already so depraved by their murderous acts that they are no more impressed by the doves of the Spirit or the thought form of the year than they are impressed by the murders which they commit with their own hands.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Where life is insensate, life does not exist. Those who are insensitive to life are the most dangerous of all creatures upon earth. Shun them! Beware of them! For they are always the instruments of death. Many are among the generation of youth. Many are teenagers who commit the grossest of crimes in this very city and nation.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Pray that angels of light will displace these dark figures in the state of their own dissolution and that, while there are yet bodies, there may also be angels who guard against the penetration of those bodies by the darkest of spirits and astral momentums.</blockquote>
<blockquote>I pray that you will consider, as you go into deep meditation, the taking of your own pen and the writing of your own proclamation of freedom from every binding habit and from all banal influences to which you have allowed yourself to be subjected. Write the story that you perceive the glory of the Woman should proclaim for you in this hour of the celebration of your natal day in heaven.<ref>Gautama Buddha, January 1, 1982, “A Complementary Dispensation: The Embrace of Etheric Spheres,” {{POWref|25|9|February 28, 1982}}</ref></blockquote>

=== 1983 The bluebird of happiness bearing the message of the Christ incarnate ===
=== 1983 The bluebird of happiness bearing the message of the Christ incarnate ===
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<blockquote>Blessed ones, you must see them to know how the quality of profound compassion and love can be combined in their visages with the fierceness and intensity of the delivery of the Ruby Ray sword into the very teeth of Unreality and Evil and abject ignorance of the Law. Thus the thoughtform of the year does reveal that the passage to the New Day is through the very heart of that golden center where the Buddha of the Ruby Ray does hold the balance for earth....</blockquote>
<blockquote>Blessed ones, you must see them to know how the quality of profound compassion and love can be combined in their visages with the fierceness and intensity of the delivery of the Ruby Ray sword into the very teeth of Unreality and Evil and abject ignorance of the Law. Thus the thoughtform of the year does reveal that the passage to the New Day is through the very heart of that golden center where the Buddha of the Ruby Ray does hold the balance for earth....</blockquote>

<blockquote>So, beloved, earth is seen—as there is revealed in this thoughtform the Buddha of the Ruby Ray in the heart of the earth—as the springboard for victory that may shoot across this galaxy and many others. For this momentum begun, if truly nourished and upheld, shall not be stopped, for the momentum is the laser beam of the Ruby Ray of God.</blockquote>
<blockquote>So, beloved, earth is seen—as there is revealed in this thoughtform the '''Buddha of the Ruby Ray in the heart of the earth'''—as the springboard for victory that may shoot across this galaxy and many others. For this momentum begun, if truly nourished and upheld, shall not be stopped, for the momentum is the laser beam of the Ruby Ray of God.</blockquote>

<blockquote>Thus, beloved, the transparent, translucent, transformed planetary body as it shimmers in a whiteness and a rainbow color does reveal the ruby of [the Buddha of the Ruby Ray,] the Blood of Christ, the white of the planet, the Body of Christ. Thus in the Alpha and the Omega of the events which shall follow, because you have accepted golden illumination’s flame for attunement [and for] an increased capacity of the Mind of God, we shall see a Victory unparalleled, a promise fulfilled, and all of you who have come with Sanat Kumara and all who have waited to this hour redeemed and fulfilled and truly satisfied in the Law which you have attended for so long.<ref>Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1988, “1989: A Spectacular Opportunity for Self-Realization,” {{POWref|32|3|, January 8, 1989}}</ref></blockquote>
<blockquote>Thus, beloved, the transparent, translucent, transformed planetary body as it shimmers in a whiteness and a rainbow color does reveal the ruby of [the Buddha of the Ruby Ray,] the Blood of Christ, the white of the planet, the Body of Christ. Thus in the Alpha and the Omega of the events which shall follow, because you have accepted golden illumination’s flame for attunement [and for] an increased capacity of the Mind of God, we shall see a Victory unparalleled, a promise fulfilled, and all of you who have come with Sanat Kumara and all who have waited to this hour redeemed and fulfilled and truly satisfied in the Law which you have attended for so long.<ref>Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1988, “1989: A Spectacular Opportunity for Self-Realization,” {{POWref|32|3|, January 8, 1989}}</ref></blockquote>