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<blockquote>Therefore, some of you will identify yourselves as a part of the body of the Mighty Blue Eagle, some of you as a part of those who minister at the altar of the I AM Presence and Saint Germain and Jesus. Others will see yourselves feeding and caring for the multitudes; others, the building of the Inner Retreat; others, the dealing with the nations and bringing them to the proper chord of response to our message. This tapestry, then, establishes an outline—whether within or without, whether in the maps of the earth in the ancient ages—of the Path for everyone who is to ascend through this dispensation and thoughtform.<ref>Gautama Buddha, January 1, 1986, “The Teaching Is for the Many,” {{POWref|29|21|, May 25, 1986}}</ref></blockquote>
<blockquote>Therefore, some of you will identify yourselves as a part of the body of the Mighty Blue Eagle, some of you as a part of those who minister at the altar of the I AM Presence and Saint Germain and Jesus. Others will see yourselves feeding and caring for the multitudes; others, the building of the Inner Retreat; others, the dealing with the nations and bringing them to the proper chord of response to our message. This tapestry, then, establishes an outline—whether within or without, whether in the maps of the earth in the ancient ages—of the Path for everyone who is to ascend through this dispensation and thoughtform.<ref>Gautama Buddha, January 1, 1986, “The Teaching Is for the Many,” {{POWref|29|21|, May 25, 1986}}</ref></blockquote>
=== 1987 A Proclamation from the God Star Sirius to the People of Earth ===
<blockquote>Now then, to comfort ye all, a messenger of Sirius walks down the aisle of this room to hand to me here in this place (where I AM also even as I AM in the golden sphere approaching) the scroll containing the thoughtform for the year 1987.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Beloved ones, it is “'''A Proclamation from the God Star Sirius to the People of Earth'''.” I shall read it to you:</blockquote>
<blockquote>O people of Earth, the [[Four and Twenty Elders]] speak to you in this hour, and in our speaking we send light rays to activate and quicken consciousness.</blockquote>
<blockquote>People of Earth, the Lord God has sent to you his Son Saint Germain in this hour of trouble. Hear him. Heed him. Know him.</blockquote>
<blockquote>To that end, we impress upon the ethers the image, the word, the vibration of Saint Germain and the blueprint of Aquarius—Aquarius, then, as a sign and as a sphere, as a grid of light, of lines connected by Maltese crosses. This geometric form, in the shape of planet Earth, is represented in white lines on a field of dark blue. This thoughtform, O people of Earth, is the matrix that you may determine and decide to fill in in order that you might make the change to Aquarius.</blockquote>
<blockquote>People of Earth, we show you, then, the handwriting on the wall. We show you that surely there shall come upon you the full karma and karmic accountability delivered by the [[Four Horsemen]] and in the [[seven last plagues]] delivered by the Archangels. None will stay the hand of this descent unless you turn from your ways at once and embrace the Master and his gift of the violet flame.</blockquote>
<blockquote>People of Earth, the time has run out. Your destructive ways have gone too far and the Great Law cannot allow it to continue. Therefore, from the Great Central Sun come messengers of Light, legions of angels in the service of the God [[Surya]]. These angels are sent to the side of every man, woman, and child of Earth to transmit to your senses the oncoming tide that at a certain point cannot be turned back.</blockquote>
<blockquote>These angels will lead you at inner levels to the Royal Teton Retreat and on the outer to the teachings of Saint Germain. Heed him and heed these teachings and you will discover the gift of miracles and the gift of prophecy. You will learn the science of changing the future by transmuting the past. You may become alchemists in the twinkling of an eye if you so choose. You may discover God within your heart and live forever.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Seek and find Saint Germain! He is the Master who once again pledges his life to the deliverance of Earth.</blockquote>
<blockquote>People of Earth, it is the last time. This Master of Light therefore comes in a final intercession in a final hour. May the children of the Sun run to greet him with Portia standing in the Seventh Ray waiting to take you each one by the hand.</blockquote>
<blockquote>People of Earth, this is our message. It is brief and to the point. The Teaching is set forth. The Opportunity is given. Take it and be free.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Beloved, this proclamation is signed by the hand of the God Surya and each one of the names of the Four and Twenty Elders is written in gold as signature. These names have never before been released and they shall not be pronounced to you, but they are written in the proclamation and therefore may be known by you at inner levels.<ref>Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1986, “The Golden Sphere of Light,” {{POWref|30|1|, January 4, 1987}}</ref></blockquote>

=== 1989 The Buddha of the Ruby Ray in the heart of the earth ===
=== 1989 The Buddha of the Ruby Ray in the heart of the earth ===