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<blockquote>Your Pyramid Conference symbol, the symbol of the Great Seal of the United States,<ref>The Pyramid Conference (1969 Harvest class) was held October 9–12, 1969, Colorado Springs. The central figure on the reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States is an unfinished pyramid. Suspended above it is the All-Seeing Eye of God centered in the capstone. For Cyclopea’s teaching on “The Mystery of the Capstone” (March 23, 1980) and “The Components of the Capstone” (March 30, 1980), see ''A Prophecy of Karma to Earth and Her Evolutions'' (''Pearls of Wisdom'', vol. 23), pp. 71, 73–74.</ref> has now become a symbol of world building, of personal building—the building of the character of the individual, the building and raising of the Pyramid of Life, the elevation and constructivism of a new era as the decade begins. And all is centered in the magnificent capstone of life, light, and love. The eye of God, then, beholds the affairs of men, and whatsoever they do in secret can be shouted and shall be shouted from the housetops.<ref>Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1960, “A Magnificent Capstone,” {{POWref|26|15|, April 10, 1983}}</ref></blockquote>
<blockquote>Your Pyramid Conference symbol, the symbol of the Great Seal of the United States,<ref>The Pyramid Conference (1969 Harvest class) was held October 9–12, 1969, Colorado Springs. The central figure on the reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States is an unfinished pyramid. Suspended above it is the All-Seeing Eye of God centered in the capstone. For Cyclopea’s teaching on “The Mystery of the Capstone” (March 23, 1980) and “The Components of the Capstone” (March 30, 1980), see ''A Prophecy of Karma to Earth and Her Evolutions'' (''Pearls of Wisdom'', vol. 23), pp. 71, 73–74.</ref> has now become a symbol of world building, of personal building—the building of the character of the individual, the building and raising of the Pyramid of Life, the elevation and constructivism of a new era as the decade begins. And all is centered in the magnificent capstone of life, light, and love. The eye of God, then, beholds the affairs of men, and whatsoever they do in secret can be shouted and shall be shouted from the housetops.<ref>Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1960, “A Magnificent Capstone,” {{POWref|26|15|, April 10, 1983}}</ref></blockquote>
=== 1971 The upper figure of the chart of the Presence superimposed over the earth ===
<blockquote>Let us now, then, gaze into the cosmic ethers, as we see the approach of a great cosmic white cloud. And behind that cloud, veiled in pure, radiant light, is the thoughtform for this forthcoming year [1971]—a form of great loveliness and beauty, which is the reality of the radiance of every man’s consciousness.</blockquote>
<blockquote>We want you, then, to understand that we have chosen as the universal thoughtform for this year the symbol of a great, cosmic golden ring. In the center of this great, cosmic golden ring is held, in the background, the image of a world, or globe.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Superimposed over that, you will find the upper figure in the chart of the Presence, or the [[causal body]] of every man [the earth is suspended within the spheres of the causal body]—signifying that the salvation of the planetary body shall also be the transcendent glory and beauty of the [[I AM Presence]] in all of its radiant power, as it is recognized by humanity and they understand that through the power of the I AM Presence, they can invoke from God those majestic outpourings referred to as the ‘latter rain’<ref>Job 29:23; Jer. 5:24; Hos. 6:3; Joel 2:23; Zech. 10:1; James 5:7.</ref> of living loveliness and love, whereby the world can be literally transformed into the newness of the golden age.</blockquote>
<blockquote>For the newness of this cosmic fire, the newness of this great golden ring, signifies the eternal values in time and space, placed there by the hand of God as a tender seed is lowered into the heart of the earth for the manifestation of a beautiful tree or a flowering plant—redundant, then, as some may see it, but actually emanating the transcendent manifestation of eternal principles which will cause the world to be literally dusted with destiny and thus create in their consciousness the understanding that all of heaven has conspired to pour out upon the world the fountain of God’s love, the strength of his heart, the will and wisdom and wit to do those things which are necessary—</blockquote>
<blockquote>Not to make a shambles of it and of all conditions manifesting in the world but to transform the world by new plans to educate the young people of the world in a manner in which they have not formerly been educated, bringing them into the strange understanding, at last, that their actions toward one another ought to be the actions of the Prince of Peace,<ref>Isa. 9:6.</ref> who long ago spoke to the world and said, Love one another, for love is the fulfilling of the law.<ref>John 13:34; 15:12, 17; Rom. 13:8, 10; I John 3:10, 11.</ref></blockquote>
<blockquote>Will you recognize with me, as I come to you this night, that this thoughtform is a magnificent outpouring of cosmic strength—the image of the world, the planetary globe held in the background before the heart of the Presence of each individual upon the planetary body? For only thus, by encasing all in the golden circlet of God’s holy love and purposes, can we produce in the world that cosmic miracle of light and love for which the hearts of the saints and the holy beings have so long prayed.<ref>Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1970, “To Forge a Cosmic Union,” {{POWref|26|18|, May 1, 1983}}</ref></blockquote>

=== 1972 A golden clock with the hands pointing to five minutes to twelve ===
=== 1972 A golden clock with the hands pointing to five minutes to twelve ===
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<blockquote>Beloved, this proclamation is signed by the hand of the God Surya and each one of the names of the Four and Twenty Elders is written in gold as signature. These names have never before been released and they shall not be pronounced to you, but they are written in the proclamation and therefore may be known by you at inner levels.<ref>Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1986, “The Golden Sphere of Light,” {{POWref|30|1|, January 4, 1987}}</ref></blockquote>
<blockquote>Beloved, this proclamation is signed by the hand of the God Surya and each one of the names of the Four and Twenty Elders is written in gold as signature. These names have never before been released and they shall not be pronounced to you, but they are written in the proclamation and therefore may be known by you at inner levels.<ref>Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1986, “The Golden Sphere of Light,” {{POWref|30|1|, January 4, 1987}}</ref></blockquote>
=== 1988 A tapestry of the Great Buddha Sanat Kumara ===
<blockquote>From the heart of [[Avalokitesvara]] I release to you, then, the thoughtform for the year 1988: This thoughtform is '''a vast tapestry''' where the '''Great Buddha Sanat Kumara'''—and Buddha upon Buddha of the mind of the Avalokitesvara—is in the center surrounded by Buddhas of various octaves, and hierarchies and bodhisattvas, bhikkhus, brothers and sisters. Thus, this great tapestry, which is imprinted within each and every lifestream at the mental level, the mental belt of the planet, does show pictorially the way of the Guru/chela relationship and how it has been translated in the earth through the path of Padma that leads to Maitreya that leads to my heart.</blockquote>
<blockquote>This tapestry, then, becomes alive and living, and it is open on all sides so that in the out-of-the-body state, almost in the dream state of desiring an escape, the soul may step forth from the body and enter the tapestry. Those devotees of God Buddha at the extreme edges of the tapestry are those to whom earth’s evolutions may most easily relate. Thus, beloved, it is possible for the individual to choose to enter the tapestry [through the Diamond Heart of the Ascended Master closest to his own vibration and path], which becomes for him, then, a teeming cosmos of [ascended and unascended] beings all on the Path, all a part of this becoming, all approaching the heart of Sanat Kumara and in that heart finding the nexus and the point of self-transcendence unto the One.</blockquote>
<blockquote>The thoughtform of the year is the living, breathing reality of the etheric octave itself and the place of the mystery schools that pertain to this Path. Thus, beloved, by impressing this thoughtform and these images in the psyche, in the inner finer bodies, by fire and water, by air and earth, by every form of element, [the Solar Logoi have seen to it that] the soul may find the way out, heed the Call, make the call and extricate herself—by two hands placed in two other hands extended from Above—from the shrinking box of karmic experience or karmic finality.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Blessed hearts, our beloved God, our beloved Avalokitesvara in the heart of the Solar Logoi have conceived this thoughtform as “The Way Out for 1988.” May the knowledge of the path of the bodhisattvas, the disciples unto Christhood, the sisters and brothers of mercy, of wisdom, of golden ages be made known, become popular, until all who count in the earth because they count themselves worthy shall be buzzing with talk of [[Maitreya’s Mystery School]]—that special place shown on the tapestry where the outline of the mountains surrounding this our retreat and the river and the valley floor are unmistakable—and with talk of the great boon that on the way to the heart of Sanat Kumara one can pass through the Mystery School that is physical for the refinement and the refiner’s fire.<ref>Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1987, “Once Upon a Footstep,” {{POWref|31|2|, January 10, 1988}}</ref></blockquote>

=== 1989 The Buddha of the Ruby Ray in the heart of the earth ===
=== 1989 The Buddha of the Ruby Ray in the heart of the earth ===