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Mary, the mother of Jesus/ru: Difference between revisions

Created page with "Век Водолея — это век Матери и Святого Духа. Это век, когда нам предназначен..."
(Created page with "Гваделупская Дева")
(Created page with "Век Водолея — это век Матери и Святого Духа. Это век, когда нам предназначен...")
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[[File:0000398 virgin-mary-holding-globe-4806AX 600.jpeg|thumb|''The Virgin of the Globe'']]
[[File:0000398 virgin-mary-holding-globe-4806AX 600.jpeg|thumb|''The Virgin of the Globe'']]

The [[Aquarian age]] is the age of the Mother and the Holy Spirit. It is the age when we are meant to experience and express the Mother aspect of God. Coming to understand this feminine aspect of God can liberate the creative feminine energy within us, both man and woman—the energy of beauty and creativity, [[intuition]] and inspiration.
[[Special:MyLanguage/Aquarian age|Век Водолея]] — это век Матери и Святого Духа. Это век, когда нам предназначено испытать и проявить Материнский аспект Бога. Понимание этого женского аспекта Бога может пробудить творческую женскую энергию в нас (и в мужчинах, и в женщинах) — энергию красоты и творчества, [[Special:MyLanguage/intuition|интуиции]] и вдохновения.

The concept of God as Mother is not new to Eastern spirituality. The Hindus meditate upon Mother as the Goddess [[Kundalini]], describing her as the white light, or the coiled serpent, that rises from the base of the spine to the crown, activating levels of spiritual consciousness in each of the [[chakra]]s (spiritual centers) through which that light passes along the way. Whether we are male or female, we are intended to raise this sacred light of our innermost being that lies dormant within us. The key to unlocking this energy, the Kundalini, is adoration of the Mother principle.
The concept of God as Mother is not new to Eastern spirituality. The Hindus meditate upon Mother as the Goddess [[Kundalini]], describing her as the white light, or the coiled serpent, that rises from the base of the spine to the crown, activating levels of spiritual consciousness in each of the [[chakra]]s (spiritual centers) through which that light passes along the way. Whether we are male or female, we are intended to raise this sacred light of our innermost being that lies dormant within us. The key to unlocking this energy, the Kundalini, is adoration of the Mother principle.
