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Created page with "El Morya był wcielony jako Abraham (ok. 2100 <small>B</small>.<small>C.</small>), pierwszy hebrajski patriarcha, prototyp i protoplasta Speci..."
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El Morya was embodied as [[Abraham]] (c. 2100 <small>B</small>.<small>C.</small>), the first Hebrew patriarch, the prototype and progenitor of the [[twelve tribes of Israel]]. Judaism, Christianity and Islam all trace their origins back to Abraham. Although scholars once widely assumed that he was either a mythical figure or a nomadic or semi-nomadic Semite, archaeological finds since World War I have corroborated the picture of Abraham that is given in the Bible itself.
El Morya był wcielony jako [[Special:MyLanguage/Abraham|Abraham]] (ok. 2100 <small>B</small>.<small>C.</small>), pierwszy hebrajski patriarcha, prototyp i protoplasta [[Special:MyLanguage/twelve tribes of Israel|dwunastu plemion Izraela]]. Judaizm, chrześcijaństwo i islam wywodzą się od Abrahama. Chociaż uczeni powszechnie zakładali kiedyś, że był on albo postacią mityczną, albo koczowniczym lub pół-koczowniczym Semitą, znaleziska archeologiczne od I wojny światowej potwierdziły obraz Abrahama, który jest podany w samej Biblii.

In answer to the call of the L<small>ORD</small>, Abraham left the leading Sumerian city of [[Ur]], forsaking the culture and cults of Mesopotamia at a time when Sumerian civilization was at its height. The L<small>ORD</small> told him to journey to a land that he would show him and promised to make of him a great nation. The Book of Genesis describes him as a man rich in flocks and herds who commands a private army and is recognized by neighboring chieftains as a mighty prince.
In answer to the call of the L<small>ORD</small>, Abraham left the leading Sumerian city of [[Ur]], forsaking the culture and cults of Mesopotamia at a time when Sumerian civilization was at its height. The L<small>ORD</small> told him to journey to a land that he would show him and promised to make of him a great nation. The Book of Genesis describes him as a man rich in flocks and herds who commands a private army and is recognized by neighboring chieftains as a mighty prince.
