Translations:Kuan Yin/35/en

From TSL Encyclopedia

Time and time again we have all heard the cliché, “Let bygones be bygones. Forgive and forget!” This is so true, because if you can still resurrect the memory of a wrong that has been done to you, then you have not truly forgiven. In order to forgive, the record and the memory must be dissolved from your consciousness. Kuan Yin tells us that if this is not the case, not only have you not truly forgiven, but “you have hardened your heart. You have stored the record as a squirrel with his nuts deep within the subconscious. Deep in the etheric plane, you have stored the record of that wrong. You have not released it into the flame. You have not been willing to let go and let God be free to express in those who have wronged you, in those whom you have wronged.”[1]

  1. Kuan Yin, “A Mother’s-Eye View of the World,” Pearls of Wisdom, 1982, Book II, p. 87.