Translations:Middle East/123/en

From TSL Encyclopedia

Beloved ones, we use every erg of energy that you invoke in your Keepers of the Flame services. And when you fail to appear Saturday night or you withdraw yourselves early, just that moment, just that much candlepower is withdrawn and the multiplication factor is reduced. We, then, have used all of the energies given hour by hour this week to allay those conditions to hold back the tide of darkness that this meeting might take place. And by four this morning we required an increase of light, and therefore we called upon you to increase your calls, and therefore I sent the call for a vigil for America and for freedom and for the resolution of differences in the Middle East to continue throughout this day until the midnight hour.[1]

  1. Saint Germain, November 20, 1977, “We Stand for the People: Saint Germain on the Middle East,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 21, nos. 5, 6, 7.