Translations:Middle East/45/en

From TSL Encyclopedia

Other ascended masters who embodied in the Middle East include Mary, the Mother of Jesus, Saint Germain (the prophet Samuel and Saint Joseph), John the Beloved, John the Baptist, Hilarion (the apostle Paul), Lord Ling (Moses), Magda, El Morya (who embodied as Abraham), Lanello (who embodied as Ikhnaton, Mark the Evangelist, and Saladin), Serapis Bey, Zarathustra, Clara Louise (as the apostle James), Chananda, Cha Ara, and our messenger. We can appeal to these masters by name to assist in resolving the conflicts in the Middle East. We can call also to Archangel Gabriel, who dictated the Koran to the prophet Mohammed, and to Nada, chohan of the sixth ray and member of the Karmic Board, who teaches at the retreat over Saudi Arabia.