↑In response to a question as to whether Kuan Yin mantras qualified for the Omri-Tas dispensation, the messenger said, “Kuan Yin is a seventh-ray master, but her mantras are not violet-flame decrees.” [Elizabeth Clare Prophet, August 18, 1991.]
↑“Do you know, beloved, that all mantras of the Buddhas do invoke the violet flame? Therefore when you give the Buddhist mantras, you are calling forth the violet flame.” [Vajrasattva, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 36, no. 40, September 15, 1993.]
↑“And when you give the Hail Mary, even then the violet flame is released. For Mother Mary has determined in counsel with us, with the Darjeeling Council, that in response to the Hail Mary said by those of the new age there shall be accordingly a release from her heart of her own full-gathered momentum of the violet flame from her own causal body of Light.” [Saint Germain, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 30, no. 37, September 13, 1987.] On August 18, 1991, the messenger stated that the Hail Mary does not count for the Omri-Tas dispensation.