Uriel and Aurora's retreat

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Tatra Mountains

The retreat of Uriel and Aurora is located in the etheric realm over the Tatra Mountains south of Cracow, Poland.

Uriel and Aurora also serve with legions of Peace from the Retreat of Jesus in Saudi Arabia.

The meditation room in their retreat

In a dictation on April 15, 1979, Uriel spoke of the meditation room in his retreat:

You, my beloved, enter now within the heart, within the sphere of a Mother’s pearl. A Mother’s pearl is a meditation room.... It is in my retreat there a giant sphere, a glistening pearl, a mighty pearl of Mother. It is, then, a place where untold angels may gather together. We do not speak of seating capacity. We speak of capacity of consciousness. There is, in fact, no telling how many angels or chelas can assemble within the sphere....

I am in the center. I am in the sun center of the mighty pearl. It is the golden pink glow-ray. It is a whirling point of light. It is a nucleus of energy. And all points within the circle are in reference to that point, for, my chelas, I ensoul the living Word.

O my beloved, for the opportunity to be within that pearl there have been many who have gone forth on most dangerous missions and then those of sacrifice and martyrdom. For here is the great meditation room of the Universal Mother. It is sealed, then, upon Terra by the flame, the service and the ministration of all of the emissaries of the sixth ray. This has been our offering to the healing of consciousness, and even there do we hold the flame for the formation of the brain within the fetus of the incoming child. There we hold the forcefield and weave the threads for the integration of the mind of God with the vehicles of consciousness.

And so, the mighty sphere of Mother you may liken unto the light that ascends from the base unto the crown. But when it has become the crown, the sphere signifies the mind of God. And of course, upon that blessed head that has become a part of the great mother-of-pearl there is the crown bestowed for the victorious quest of the resurrection.[1]


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Uriel and Aurora’s Retreat.”

  1. Archangel Uriel, “The Sealing of This Cycles of the Lord’s Resurrection,” April 15, 1979. Available from ascendedmasterlibrary.org.