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{{Science of the spoken Word}}
{{Science of the spoken Word/en}}

[Sanskrit, “seed”] Every object or being has its own seminal sound, or '''bija mantra''', which contains the blueprint of the energy patterns that compose it. Over thousands of years, ancient tradition has brought forth the bija sounds of many of the most exalted beings, as well as the seven [[chakras]] and the elements of earth, air, water, and fire. By performing japa, or repetition, with a bija mantra, we create a harmonic resonance with the being or element whose seminal sound is that bija mantra.  
[Sanskrit, “seed”] Every object or being has its own seminal sound, or '''bija mantra''', which contains the blueprint of the energy patterns that compose it. Over thousands of years, ancient tradition has brought forth the bija sounds of many of the most exalted beings, as well as the seven [[chakras]] and the elements of earth, air, water, and fire. By performing japa, or repetition, with a bija mantra, we create a harmonic resonance with the being or element whose seminal sound is that bija mantra.  
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When the practice of raising the [[Kundalini]] is entered into prematurely, the rising sacred fire will activate the accumulation of negative karma with its cause, effect, record, and memory. And that is why it is not uncommon for people to have a bad experience when they meditate or when they try to force the Kundalini to rise in order to attain [[adeptship]] without having first pursued soul-mastery and the transmutation of layers of discord.
When the practice of raising the [[Kundalini]] is entered into prematurely, the rising sacred fire will activate the accumulation of negative karma with its cause, effect, record, and memory. And that is why it is not uncommon for people to have a bad experience when they meditate or when they try to force the Kundalini to rise in order to attain [[adeptship]] without having first pursued soul-mastery and the transmutation of layers of discord.

[[Saint Germain]] has said he would sponsor us in our raising of this Mother Flame gradually, as we take our initiations step by step. His requirement is that we give daily the “Heart, Head and Hand,” [[violet flame]], and protection decrees and especially before we give the bija mantras for the raising of the sacred fire. Saint Germain also requires those who would be true chelas of the ascended masters and receive his sponsorship on the spiritual path to refrain from [[rock music]], drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.
[[Saint Germain]] has said he would sponsor us in our raising of this Mother Flame gradually, as we take our initiations step by step. His requirement is that we give daily the “Heart, Head and Hand,” [[violet flame]], and protection decrees and especially before we give the bija mantras for the raising of the sacred fire. Saint Germain also requires those who would be true chelas of the ascended masters and receive his sponsorship on the spiritual path to refrain from [[rock music]], [[drugs]], [[alcohol]], and tobacco.

[[El Morya]] has said of the bija mantras:
[[El Morya]] has said of the bija mantras:

Latest revision as of 01:26, 4 February 2020

Part of a series of articles on the
Science of
the Spoken Word

   Main article   
Spoken Word

   Forms of the spoken Word   

   Eastern forms   
Bija mantra
Golden Mantra
Om mani padme hum

   Western forms   
Hail Mary

   Specific rituals   
Mother Mary’s Circle of Light
Fourteenth Rosary
Archangel Michael’s Rosary
Ritual of the Resurrection Flame
Kuan Yin’s Crystal Rosary

   Related topics   
Violet flame
Violet-flame decrees
Balance of violet-flame and blue-flame decrees
Djwal Kul's breathing exercise

[Sanskrit, “seed”] Every object or being has its own seminal sound, or bija mantra, which contains the blueprint of the energy patterns that compose it. Over thousands of years, ancient tradition has brought forth the bija sounds of many of the most exalted beings, as well as the seven chakras and the elements of earth, air, water, and fire. By performing japa, or repetition, with a bija mantra, we create a harmonic resonance with the being or element whose seminal sound is that bija mantra.

In a linguistic sense, bijas have no meaning in and of themselves. But mantra yogis fully realize that the Shakti, or potent force of the Divine Being, is transmitted to the one who is chanting the mantra.

Bija mantras of the four elements

The bija sound for the earth element is LAM. The bija sound for water is VAM. The bija sound for air is YAM. Fire is the sound RAM. Ether, or akasha, has the bija sound HAM. As we give these bija mantras, we can attune to the inner pattern of each plane of God’s being.

Each one of these five sounds ends in the letter M which is the sound of Mother or MA. It is the sound of the HUM (hoom) of the Mother flame, and it is the sound that crystallizes what is coming forth from the causal stress into physical matter. Mother is the author of the Mater universe.

The first letter of each bija denotes its frequency. The central vowel of each is A—the action of Alpha, or the Father principle. The Father creates, the Mother seals the creation. The three letters of each bija form the Trinity—the Trinity that is always necessary to have a seed.

The sound for earth is LAM—the AM denoting the Be-ness of the Father/Mother God in manifestation. AM is preceded by the letter L—the letter of God, Elohim. The sound for earth: one can imagine Elohim intoning this sound for the formation of earth itself.

Use of the bija mantras

The bija is the seed of a particular deity. When that bija, or seed, is pronounced as a mantra, we then cause that sound and that tone to vibrate through our being. We then take on the frequency or the seed—in other words, the blueprint of that deity.

The bija mantras are “seed syllables” and are also used for the raising up of the Mother Light. Chelas of the ascended masters give their devotion to the Divine Mother through meditation, invocation and decrees for the raising of the Mother Light from the base-of-the-spine chakra up the spinal altar to the crown chakra.

When the practice of raising the Kundalini is entered into prematurely, the rising sacred fire will activate the accumulation of negative karma with its cause, effect, record, and memory. And that is why it is not uncommon for people to have a bad experience when they meditate or when they try to force the Kundalini to rise in order to attain adeptship without having first pursued soul-mastery and the transmutation of layers of discord.

Saint Germain has said he would sponsor us in our raising of this Mother Flame gradually, as we take our initiations step by step. His requirement is that we give daily the “Heart, Head and Hand,” violet flame, and protection decrees and especially before we give the bija mantras for the raising of the sacred fire. Saint Germain also requires those who would be true chelas of the ascended masters and receive his sponsorship on the spiritual path to refrain from rock music, drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

El Morya has said of the bija mantras:

It is well to give the bija mantras to the Divine Mother. These are important, for they are life-quickening.

The Mother Flame is for the “watering” of all of the chakras and the cleansing of the soul. And as the fire of the Mother does rise on the spinal altar, you ultimately experience communion with her in the secret chamber of the heart, where your Mother energies and your Father energies reunite. It is then that you sense your wholeness, your completeness, and the balance of your yin/yang energies. No longer are you incomplete, no longer do you crave this or that, for you have entered into the internalization of the white fire of God. This is possible unto you.

Let the bija mantras to the Divine Mother become a permanent part of your Friday-night ascension service. For not only is the ascension service an opportunity for you to clear the discarnates from the planet but it is also an opportunity for you to increase the rings of the white-fire body around your four lower bodies and chakras. So visualize yourself in these rings, for we desire to see you put on greater and greater light from the very heart of Luxor in preparation for your ultimate victory.[1]

Lady Master Venus has said:

Now then, it is well for you to take the bija mantras [for meditation on the Divine Mother and the intoning of the keys that unlock her power in your chakras. It is well] for you to offer the bhajans to the [Divine] Mother, to enter into that high state of oneness and attunement in her bliss and to experience the consequence of the gentle rising of the sacred fire on the spinal altar for the nourishing of your chakras, for the regeneration and rejuvenation of your bodies.[2]

In a dictation given June 28, 1993, Vajrasattva, Spokesman for the Five Dhyani Buddhas, said:

Do you know, beloved, that all mantras of the Buddhas do invoke the violet flame? Therefore when you give the Buddhist mantras, you are calling forth the violet flame....

Therefore we follow the mantra. We follow the point of origin of the Word. We follow those who give the recitation of the bija mantras, the seed syllables unto the Divine Mother, unto the Goddesses, unto the Dhyani Buddhas, unto the entire hierarchy of Buddhas.

Therefore the point of the sounding of the mantra calls the one whose mantra it is to that point. Thus, you have successfully called us to the depths of the astral plane, beloved ones, by the remaining ties that you have to lifestreams who are abiding in those levels.

We consider this to be a great boon! For unless the Law would dictate otherwise unto us, we are subject to that law whereby we cannot descend any lower in the planes of earth than where there is a tie to one of our disciples. If one of us does have a disciple with a tie to a certain level, then we all may descend to that level....

Know, then, beloved, that you have now carried us and our bodhisattvas and our disciples and chelas to all levels. And therefore we have duplicated ourselves as we have manifested our presences in a million different points of Light at all levels of evolution in the Matter cosmos.[3]

Bijas (seed syllables) and bija mantras of the Five Dhyani Buddhas
Vairochana Om Om Vairochana Om
Akshobhya Hum Om Akshobhya Hum
Ratnasambhava Tram Om Ratnasambhava Tram
Amitabha Hrih Om Amitabha Hrih
Amoghasiddhi Ah Om Amoghasiddhi Ah
Vajrasattva Hum Om Vajrasattva Hum
Bija mantras of other masters
Manjushri Dhih OM AH RA PA TSA NA DHIH
Vishnu Hum
Shiva Ham
Tara Tam
Bija Mantras for Chakra Meditation
For Purification, Protection, and Light of the Divine Mother






Soundless Sound


Third Eye/Ajna
Solar Plexus/Manipura

From left to right, give each column of mantras from the bottom (the Base-of-the-Spine) to top (the Crown).the base of the spine to the crown.


The Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness, Spring 1981 issue.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, October 11, 1980.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, September 14, 1981.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, July 14, 1988.

Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 34, no. 24, June 16, 1991.

Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 35, no. 41, October 7, 1992.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “The Message of the Inner Buddha,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 32, no. 28, July 9, 1989.

  1. El Morya, “Clean House!” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 38, no. 26, June 18, 1995.
  2. Lady Master Venus, “The Hatred of the Divine Mother on Planet Earth,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 33, no. 40, October 14, 1990.
  3. Vajrasattva, “Becoming the Gentle Ones: Vials of Antidotes for the Five Poisons,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 36, no. 40,September 15, 1993.