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<blockquote>… el estado de los niños y los jóvenes hoy día se encuentra en uno de los puntos más bajos jamás vistos desde los días de la caída de la Atlántida, desde los días de la venida de Noé… La profanación de la llama de la santa juventud es lo que dio como resultado el juicio final del Todopoderoso sobre el pueblo. Una cosa es que el adulto, endurecido en los caminos del pecado, dé perpetuidad a su pecado, pero cuando ese pecado se transfiere a los niños inocentes y estos se corrompen, y la población lo permite,… entonces la civilización entera debe ser juzgada.</blockquote> | <blockquote>… el estado de los niños y los jóvenes hoy día se encuentra en uno de los puntos más bajos jamás vistos desde los días de la caída de la Atlántida, desde los días de la venida de Noé… La profanación de la llama de la santa juventud es lo que dio como resultado el juicio final del Todopoderoso sobre el pueblo. Una cosa es que el adulto, endurecido en los caminos del pecado, dé perpetuidad a su pecado, pero cuando ese pecado se transfiere a los niños inocentes y estos se corrompen, y la población lo permite,… entonces la civilización entera debe ser juzgada.</blockquote> | ||
La conclusión del informe era la siguiente: | |||
<blockquote>There are such gaps in the understanding of the youth of their origin, their source, their purpose, the flow of purity, the right uses of the sacred fire, what the goal of life is, the path of initiation to the [[ascension]], that if this body and this company of [[lightbearer]]s is not able to reverse the tide by keeping the vigil for the youth, there is the possibility of the loss of this generation. And if this generation be lost, there will be none to pass the torch to succeeding generations. We are calling for an all-out commitment, therefore, of [[Keeper of the Flame|Keepers of the Flame]] to the cause of the youth.<ref>Ibid.</ref></blockquote> | <blockquote>There are such gaps in the understanding of the youth of their origin, their source, their purpose, the flow of purity, the right uses of the sacred fire, what the goal of life is, the path of initiation to the [[ascension]], that if this body and this company of [[lightbearer]]s is not able to reverse the tide by keeping the vigil for the youth, there is the possibility of the loss of this generation. And if this generation be lost, there will be none to pass the torch to succeeding generations. We are calling for an all-out commitment, therefore, of [[Keeper of the Flame|Keepers of the Flame]] to the cause of the youth.<ref>Ibid.</ref></blockquote> |
Revision as of 04:22, 24 April 2020
Los Patrocinadores de la Juventud son doce seres cósmicos del Gran Sol Central que han estado respondiendo a las oraciones de madres, padres y patrocinadores de los jóvenes durante eones. Se les permitió hablar por primera vez en 1977, en la conferencia titulada «Dios es Madre», por dispensación del Consejo Cósmico y los veinticuatro ancianos. Se les permitió desvelar su identidad porque los Guardianes de la Llama habían implorado a Dios pidiendo dispensaciones para salvar a la juventud del mundo durante muchos meses.
Durante ese dictado, los Patrocinadores de la Juventud dijeron que no podían poner todo el peso de su luz sobre la Tierra porque se habían invocado «energías insuficientes» para sostener el equilibrio. Así, proyectaron su Presencia Electrónica sobre la Tierra desde el Gran Sol Central para ese dictado. Los Patrocinadores de la Juventud vinieron con un informe aleccionador sobre el estado de la juventud del mundo. Este informe estaba basado en un estudio llevado a cabo por el Guardián de los Pergaminos, maestros ascendidos y arcángeles, con la opinión, en los niveles internos, de los que estaban encarnados.
The attack on youth
Los Patrocinadores de la Juventud informaron de lo siguiente:
Los intentos no mitigados de los ángeles caídos para interferir con la espiral ascendente de la cultura de la Madre han sido dirigidos durante varias décadas contra los jóvenes y las almas entrantes. La oscuridad proyectada contra la mente, el alma, el corazón, el cuerpo, los chakras, la salud y la cordura ha sido implacable. Estos ataques comienzan en el momento en que los Señores del Karma asignan un alma a que encarne y continúan hasta la edad de treinta y tres años[1]
Para el Todopoderoso, las personas más importantes de la Tierra son las que acaban de ser concebidas y están en el vientre, y las que están madurando, hasta que llegan a la edad de treinta y tres años (siete años por cada uno de los cuatro cuerpos inferiores y cinco por los rayos secretos). Todas ellas son consideradas como jóvenes. Cuando una persona supera la edad de treinta y tres años, se produce lo que se conoce como «el endurecimiento de la espiral», el establecimiento de hábitos para toda la vida. Después de esta edad es más difícil que un alma sea convertida al sendero de la luz.
Los Patrocinadores de la Juventud advierten que el ataque a la juventud ha sido tan grande que
… el estado de los niños y los jóvenes hoy día se encuentra en uno de los puntos más bajos jamás vistos desde los días de la caída de la Atlántida, desde los días de la venida de Noé… La profanación de la llama de la santa juventud es lo que dio como resultado el juicio final del Todopoderoso sobre el pueblo. Una cosa es que el adulto, endurecido en los caminos del pecado, dé perpetuidad a su pecado, pero cuando ese pecado se transfiere a los niños inocentes y estos se corrompen, y la población lo permite,… entonces la civilización entera debe ser juzgada.
La conclusión del informe era la siguiente:
There are such gaps in the understanding of the youth of their origin, their source, their purpose, the flow of purity, the right uses of the sacred fire, what the goal of life is, the path of initiation to the ascension, that if this body and this company of lightbearers is not able to reverse the tide by keeping the vigil for the youth, there is the possibility of the loss of this generation. And if this generation be lost, there will be none to pass the torch to succeeding generations. We are calling for an all-out commitment, therefore, of Keepers of the Flame to the cause of the youth.[2]
The Sponsors of Youth gave their second dictation in 1992. Their spokesman said:
It is a most serious hour in earth’s history.... I will tell you just how dire the situation is, for I speak for us all, and I say, beloved, this is the warfare of the Spirit, and the fallen angels have determined to so sever one generation from the next that inside of a hundred years this earth may de-evolve to such a lesser state that you could not even recognize it.... Therefore we say to you: Hurry, hurry, hurry! These children in the earth, whether they have retained the flame or not, are being set upon by such darkness in so many subtle ways.... Your aches and pains are minor in comparison to the aches and pains of those [children and youth] who cry out to you. It is as though they were partly in the astral plane, in hell itself, while they are in embodiment.[3]
Steps to help save the children
In these two dictations the Sponsors of Youth have outlined several steps you can take to help save the children:
Step One: Observe what is happening. These masters said: “The cries of the children reach out to you! And yet there is still a separation between you and them, almost as though a veil covered your eyes and you did not see and would not see what is happening to these little ones and [the young people].... It is time you entered those schoolhouses and observed for yourselves” what is happening. “It is good to allow yourselves to sense world pain, especially the pain of children.”
Step Two: Keep a vigil of prayers. The Sponsors of Youth say: “Pray and pray—and pray on your knees if you must.” Keep a vigil of prayers to the heart of the Divine Mother and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and to all hosts of the LORD that you can name. Keep that prayer vigil! Turn off your TV sets, deny yourselves fictionalized series. Keep abreast of the news, stop watching those series, use all of your free time decreeing for the children from birth to age thirty-three.
“Begin with the absolute conviction that the all-power of God is able to manifest through you” through the science of the spoken Word. The Sponsors of Youth have also asked us to “demand the judgment of abortion and the abortionist.” Abortion is not only the abortion of flesh and blood, but it is the abortion of a soul’s opportunity to fulfill her divine plan. Today more than ever, you can look around you and see there are vacant seats. Where is your twin flame? Where is your soul mate? Where will you find them? Will you find that they have been aborted and tried and tried again to reincarnate? This is a very difficult time for young people, because everyone who is supposed to be here of their generation is simply not here because millions of abortions have been committed.
The Sponsors of Youth also summoned us to use the spoken Word to exorcise the schoolhouses, colleges and universities of the seed of Satan and Lucifer.
“Every individual who is acquainted with the science of the spoken Word must stand up and be counted for in this hour for the youth of the world!” They have never needed your prayers as much as they do today. The Sponsors of Youth gave us the following keys to enhance our decrees: “Plaster the walls of your homes with pictures of children.... Ask for millions of children to be cut free through those focuses. You might also keep a picture of an aborted fetus to remind you every day of your life that children are being aborted, children whom we are sending from the Central Sun.”
Step Three: Become involved. The Sponsors of Youth urged us not to sit on the sidelines but to get involved in rescuing the youth. They said: “When it comes to assisting the youth, there is no substitute for active personal involvement, for becoming a part of their lives—their work and play, their school and sports and their putting-on of the garment of God.” Call to the Great Divine Director, the God and Goddess Meru and the Committee for Child Guidance—made up of Jesus, Kuthumi and Mother Mary—to help you understand what your personal role should be.
If we neglect the child, we are neglecting the Christ within a very special person. The Sponsors of Youth warned:
Remember the children. For in the not-too-distant future you, yourself, may be a child again...and as a child, you shall reap the karma you incurred in your last life, this life, for having ignored so great an opportunity and so great a salvation that you could have, and should have, given to the little children.... I warn you: be purged of all selfishness, laziness, sloth, boredom or energy that simply manifests as “I don’t care. I don’t have time to work with children or the teens. I will sit in my home and I will do my decrees. And that is all I am willing to give.”
Step Four: Befriend a child. The Sponsors of Youth encourage us to become a close friend of a child or a teenager. They said:
It’s not enough to pass by the children and just say, “hello.” With reverence for life and with respect for the Holy Child, you must realize that friendship with the world’s children can become the greatest joy of your life. When you count your friends, do you count the little children who are so adorable and adoring, who are so devoted to you? And sometimes you scarcely notice how their hearts are pitter-patting in anticipation of a kind word, in anticipation of your coming, your smile or a game that you will play with them.
Step Five: Be an example to children. The Sponsors of Youth said: “Children require your example. Our records show that many children growing up have only the example of Hollywood stars, rock-and-roll stars, representatives in government who have betrayed them by dishonesty, and teachers and parents who have not the capacity to transfer to them the image of the Christ, the Buddha and the Mother. Souls of light must see the example of Almighty God in someone.” And that someone is you.
The candle of virtue, held by a single individual, will remain the star of hope to that child. Every child must know someone who represents the divine memory of the child’s activities on the inner planes with the ascended masters and the angelic hosts. Our plea to you this day is that you will be that soul of virtue, that example to these children, to the teenagers of the world, and to those who are grappling with the problems of life in their twenties and preparing for the initiations of Christhood and Buddhahood.
You are on stage twenty-four hours a day. Souls of light upon earth are receiving the impression of your aura, whether you compromise or refuse to compromise. And that energy is affecting the total evolution of the lightbearers of the world.
Step Six: Teach children reading, writing and math.
Teach your children how to read phonetically. To teach children reading, writing and arithmetic before the age of seven is the solemn responsibility of every parent and every single person who calls himself a lightbearer. Go out and find them! Make room for them in your homes. Offer to teach them anywhere their parents will allow. There shall be many, many blessings upon those who have the courage to teach children to read and write and to calculate their numbers.
Step Seven: Give lectures or publish exposés on the issues endangering our youth. The Sponsors of Youth directed us:
Do not cease until there is an exposure in paperback form of every betrayal of the Christ in the youth of America and the world. Let the books be written. Whatever your participation, whatever your support, both near and distant, know that we in the Great Central Sun watch every lifestream who is able to give even an hour of decrees each day in support of our messenger, our cause and the dissemination of this teaching.
The Sponsors of Youth tell us:
Plunge yourself and your life into the support of children.... This is the most serious message you will ever hear from the ascended masters, for it is the message of the loss of this nation and ultimately other nations in the earth if you do not act and act in time.
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Sponsors of Youth.”
Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 35, no. 59, December 2, 1992.
- ↑ Sponsors of Youth from out the Great Central Sun, “A Call for an All-Out Commitment to the Cause of Youth,” December 28, 1977, quoted by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, July 2, 1996.
- ↑ Ibid.
- ↑ Sponsors of Youth from out the Great Central Sun, “Save the Children!” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 35, no. 59, December 2, 1992.