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(Created page with "Eftir uppstigningu boðberans Mark L. Prophet 26. febrúar, 1973 gáfu Karma-drottnarnir börnum Guðs endurnýjað tækifæri til að jafna karma sitt með því að mæta á fyrirlestra í athvörfum hinna sjö chohan-meistara, Maha Chohan og heimskennarans.")
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== Opnun athvarfanna ==
== Opnun athvarfanna ==

Eftir uppstigningu boðberans [[Mark L. Prophet]] 26. febrúar, 1973 gáfu [[Karma-drottnarnir]] börnum Guðs endurnýjað tækifæri til að jafna karma sitt með því að mæta á fyrirlestra í athvörfum hinna sjö [[chohan]]-meistara, [[Maha Chohan]] og [[heimskennarans]].  
Eftir uppstigningu boðberans [[Mark L. Prophet]] 26. febrúar, 1973 gáfu [[Karma-drottnarnir]] börnum Guðs endurnýjað tækifæri til að jafna karma sitt með því að mæta í kennslustundir í athvörfum hinna sjö [[chohan]]-meistara, [[Maha Chohan]] og [[heimskennarans]].  

On January 1, 1986, [[Gautama Buddha]] and the Lords of Karma granted a petition of the lords of the seven rays to open [[universities of the Spirit]] in their etheric retreats for tens of thousands of students to systematically pursue the path of self-mastery on the seven rays. Traveling in their finer bodies during sleep, students spend fourteen days at each of the retreats of the chohans and the Maha Chohan.  
On January 1, 1986, [[Gautama Buddha]] and the Lords of Karma granted a petition of the lords of the seven rays to open [[universities of the Spirit]] in their etheric retreats for tens of thousands of students to systematically pursue the path of self-mastery on the seven rays. Traveling in their finer bodies during sleep, students spend fourteen days at each of the retreats of the chohans and the Maha Chohan.  
