दार्जिलिंग महासभा (Darjeeling Council)
श्वेत महासंघ की एक समिति जिसमें दिव्यगुरु और चेले शामिल हैं, जिसका नेतृत्व एल मोर्या करते हैं। इसका मुख्यालय दिव्यगुरु का आकाशीय आश्रय स्थल, दार्जिलिंग, भारत में है।
दार्जिलिंग समिति के सदस्य हैं: मदर मैरी, कुआन यिन, महादेवदूत माइकल, ग्रेट डिवाइन डायरेक्टर गणेश जी, सेरापिस बे, कुथुमी, दज्वाल कुल। इस समिति की कई अन्य सदस्य भी हैं जिनका उद्देश्य जीवात्माओं को विभिन्न अंतरराष्ट्रीय कार्यों में प्रशिक्षित करना है जैसे ईश्वरीय सरकार और अर्थव्यवस्था की स्थापना, आत्मिक ज्ञान को धर्म की नींव बनाना, एवं शिक्षा, संगीत और कला को स्वर्ण युग की संस्कृति के स्तर तक विकसित करना।
एल मौरया ने इसका वर्णन कुछ इस प्रकार किया है:
दार्जिलिंग समिति में १४४ स्थायी सदस्य हैं। कुछ अन्य सदस्य भी है जो अपने सहायकों के साथ इस समिति में शामिल हैं। हम इन सभी को बहुत आदर के साथ देखते हैं। इनमे से कई अनुसंधान सहायक हैं जो हमारे साथ साथ चलते हुए आकाश के दस्तावेज़ों की तलाश करते हैं जिनकी सहायता से हम आज की सभ्यता को विकसित कर पाएंगे - ये सब विकास हम पूर्व सभय्ताओं में नहीं कर पाए क्योंकि या तो तब लोग स्वार्थी थे, या विकास से अनभिज्ञ थे, या फिर उनके कर्म ऐसे थे की उनका रुझान इस तरफ नहीं हो पाया।
Thus, beloved, you recognize the names of certain ones who are part of the inner circle of the one hundred and forty-four—the Great Divine Director, the blessed Mother Mary, Mighty Victory, your own beloved Lanello, those who have come from the chohans’ retreats and the chohans themselves. There are also archangels who serve on the Council.
And this body, as each member multiplies his or her Electronic Presence, does reach out and touch the souls of earth—each soul in her time and in her due....
The hundred and forty-four members who form the nucleus of the Darjeeling Council have contacts with many souls on earth, and this is a major reason for their having been selected to be on the Council. Prior to their ascension, these Ascended Masters and angelic beings had personal contact, sustained over the centuries, with individuals who are still in embodiment, many of whom are now ready to take responsibility for the fate of earth’s evolutions....
I speak to you, then, of the sponsorship by the Darjeeling Council of individuals who are in leadership positions in their nations, whether in government, the economy, education or the arts and sciences. We have many, many representatives, beloved, and we also count you among them.
We ask you to come to Darjeeling and to knock on the door of our Darjeeling retreat this night, to present yourselves and make known to us your professions, your callings and how you will lend your talents to this endeavor. For there are five and a half billion souls, more or less, in embodiment and many out of embodiment seeking entrée into this world. And we must tend them as we would tend the flocks of the Lord.
Therefore, we would deal with you according to your abilities and we would advance you in those disciplines in which you have already qualified yourselves, having concentrated in certain areas of life for thousands of years. Each one has a great contribution to make; and if you decide to make that contribution, you shall earn your ascension in the Light.[1]
See also
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Saint Germain On Alchemy: Formulas for Self-Transformation.
- ↑ El Morya, “Penetrate! Activate!” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 37, no. 40, October 2, 1994.