Geislarnir sjö

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Revision as of 16:18, 6 July 2024 by Hbraga (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Rafrænt mynstur geislanna sjö er það sama og samsvarandi Guðs eiginleika sem þeir tákna. Þannig er rétt að segja að ástin sé bleik, viskan er gul, mátturinn er blár, miskunnin er fjólublá, réttlætið er fjólublátt, lækningin og framboðin eru græn og hreinleikin er hvítur. Því hvar sem það er bleikt, þar er áhersla á kærleika Guðs; hvar sem blátt er, sjá mátt hans; hvar sem gult er, kemur greind Guðs fram; og hvar sem hinir óteljandi...")
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Ljósútgeislun guðdómsins, t.d. hinir sjö geislar hvíta ljóssins sem koma fram í gegnum prisma (ljósbrot) Krists-vitundarinnar. Geislarnir sjö eru

  1. blár
  2. gulur
  3. rauðgulur
  4. hvítur
  5. grænn
  6. blárauður (purpuri) og gylltur
  7. fjólublár.

Það eru líka fimm „leyndir geislar“ sem eiga uppruna sinn í hvítum eldkjarna verundarinar og fjölmargir geimgeislar sem himnesku hersveitirnar hafa sett sitt mark á sem geisla í gegnum helg hjörtu boðbera föðurins til minna þróaðra lífstrauma.

Hver geisli er ljósgeislun Alheims-Krists sem beinir sérstökum náðargjöfum og meginreglum sjálfs-vitundar Logosins sem lærisveinninn og lærisveinkan geta þróað og þroskað með sér í lífsköllun sinni.

Eiginleikar geislanna

Rétt eins og litir hafa tíðni, þannig bera hugsanir og tilfinningar titringsmynstur; og ekki er hægt að aðskilja þær frá litatíðni sem samsvarar titringi þeirra. Reyndar hafa rannsóknir okkar á mannlegri aura sannað að það er vísindaleg fylgni á milli litanna sem finnast í aurunum og andlegs og tilfinningamynsturs einstaklingsins.

Rafrænt mynstur geislanna sjö er það sama og samsvarandi Guðs eiginleika sem þeir tákna. Þannig er rétt að segja að ástin sé bleik, viskan er gul, mátturinn er blár, miskunnin er fjólublá, réttlætið er fjólublátt, lækningin og framboðin eru græn og hreinleikin er hvítur. Því hvar sem það er bleikt, þar er áhersla á kærleika Guðs; hvar sem blátt er, sjá mátt hans; hvar sem gult er, kemur greind Guðs fram; og hvar sem hinir óteljandi eiginleikar geislanna sjö eru göfgaðir í manninum, birtist ljómi regnbogatóna sem mildur en kraftmikill ljómi innan aura. Litir og eiginleikar geislanna sjö, staðsetning þeirra í orsakalíkamanum, og öfugþróun þeirra í rafræna beltinu og í aura mannsins eru gefin upp á myndinni hér að neðan.

Flame Color-Qualities of the Seven Rays and Their Perversions

Spheres of the Causal Body of Man

Corresponding Godly Attributes: Treasures of Heaven Stored in the Seven Spheres

Perversions of Godly Attributes Accumulated in the Electronic Belt

Corresponding Perversions of the Color Rays Found in the Human Aura

Sphere I

Fourth Ray

  1. Purity, perfection
  2. Self-discipline, morality
  3. Life, hope, positive spirals
  4. Joy, spiritual bliss
  5. Wholeness, all-one-ness
  6. Symmetry, geometry
  7. Law, order, co-measurement—as Above, so below
  8. Divine architecture, blueprint of life
  1. Impurity, imperfection
  2. Lack of self-control, amorality
  3. Death, discouragement, negative spirals
  4. Lust, human desire patterns, misuses of the sacred fire
  5. Separateness, incompleteness, loneliness
  6. Asymmetry
  7. Lawlessness, anarchy, chaos, absence of interchange between Spirit and Matter
  8. Distortion of divine design

Dirty white
“Dead men’s bones”

Sphere II

Second Ray

  1. Christed illumination
  2. God Self-awareness, humility
  3. Divine Logos, divine reason
  4. Wisdom (wise dominion), understanding, Cosmic consciousness
  5. Discrimination between absolute Good and relative good and evil,right knowledge
  6. Intelligence, resourcefulness, open-mindedness
  7. Perspicacity, perspicuity
  1. Witchcraft, black magic
  2. Ego-centeredness, pride
  3. Human logic, human reason
  4. Human folly, vanity, lack of comprehension, mortal consciousness
  5. Inordinate and indiscriminate use of energy, wrong knowledge
  6. Stupidity, lethargy, narrow-mindedness
  7. Lack of discernment, ignorance, mental density, sloth

Muddy yellow
Olive brown

Sphere III

Third Ray

  1. Divine love, selflessness
  2. Beauty, comfort, grace
  3. Harmony
  4. Creativity, spiritual magnetism, God-desire
  5. Compassion
  6. Unity, adhesion, cohesion
  7. Communion with life, baptism of the Holy Spirit
  1. Human love, selfishness
  2. Ugliness, discomfort, negligence
  3. Discord
  4. Sensuality, animal magnetism, human desire
  5. Self-pity, human sympathy
  6. Disunity, disintegration, decay
  7. Consorting with death, necromancy, demon and spirit possession

Red orange

Sphere IV

Seventh Ray

  1. Freedom, justice, tolerance, mercy, forgiveness
  2. Liberty, ritual of life
  3. Invocation of the sacred fire, Light action, flow
  4. Diplomacy, tact, poise
  5. Science of alchemy, transmutation, law of transcendence, progressive revelation, prophecy
  1. Servitude, bondage, injustice, intolerance, hardness of heart, cruelty
  2. Libertinism, license, disorderliness, disorganization, nonintegration, disorientation
  3. Incantations, mortal cursings, hexes, prayers of malintention, stagnation, death
  4. Lack of savoir-faire
  5. Misuses of the sacred science, rote, intransigence, dogma, perversions and misinterpretations of scripture and the laws of Truth, mouthings of evil spirits


Sphere V

Purple and Gold
Sixth Ray

  1. Peace
  2. Ministration and service
  3. Brotherhood and family life founded in Christ
  4. Balance of the Christ in the individual and society
  5. Desirelessness, harmlessness
  1. Emotional turbulence, war
  2. Ego-centered existence
  3. Disruption of family and community life through perversions of the threefold flame
  4. Imbalance manifesting as clans, gangs, social cliques, group marriages, free love
  5. Desirefulness, harmfulness


Sphere VI

Fifth Ray

  1. Truth, abundance, supply
  2. Science, scientific method
  3. Life
  4. Health, healing, wholeness, rejuvenation, regeneration
  5. Direct and indirect precipitation from Spirit to Matter, sublimation from Matter to Spirit, tangible proofs of the Spirit, squaring of the circle
  6. Gratitude, constancy, consecration, generosity, open-mindedness, free flow of the electron
  7. Music, mathematics, laws and principles of cosmic harmony
  1. Error, insufficiency, lack, spiritual impoverishment
  2. Nescience, superstition, accident, chance
  3. Death
  4. Disease, a “house divided,” aging, degeneration
  5. Absence of manifest works, absence of virtues and things of the Spirit made practical in Spirit-form and Matter-form
  6. Ingratitude, inconstancy, carelessness, desecration, lack of givingness, small-mindedness, envy, jealousy, greed, covetousness, possessiveness, imprisonment of energy in Matter-form
  7. Inharmony


Sphere VII

First Ray

  1. Perfection
  2. Divine will
  3. Protection, construction, direction
  4. Faith
  5. Obedience, love of God and his laws
  6. Light, energy, power, courage
  7. Dominion, God-control, God-desire
  8. God-ordained government, business, commerce, transportation, communication, banking
  9. Cosmic and natural law
  1. Imperfection
  2. Human will
  3. State of harm, danger, destruction; haphazard, willy-nilly existence
  4. Doubt
  5. Disobedience, defiance, rebellion against God’s laws
  6. Absence of Light, of energy, vacillation, impotence, cowardice
  7. Subjection, psychic manipulation, black magic
  8. Disorganization in the affairs and economy of nations and societies resulting from mortal codes
  9. Mortal laws, lawlessness

Gray blue
Blue black

Sjá einnig


Fimm leyndir geislar

Logar Guðs

Til frekari upplýsinga

Kuthumi and Djwal Kul, The Human Aura: How to Activate and Energize Your Aura and Chakras.

Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Lords of the Seven Rays.


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Saint Germain On Alchemy: Formulas for Self-Transformation.

Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Path of the Higher Self, volume 1 of the Climb the Highest Mountain® series, 6. kafli.