Retiro etérico

Focos de la Gran Hermandad Blanca localizados principalmente en el plano etérico donde gobiernan los Maestros Ascendidos. Los retiros anclan una o más de las llamas de la Divinidad así como la energía acumulada de servicio y logro de los Maestros para el equilibrio de la luz en los cuatro cuerpos inferiores de un planeta y sus evoluciones.
Un retiro etérico es un lugar donde un maestro ascendido vive y recibe a los chelas. También es un mándala y un campo de fuerza que utilizan las jerarquías solares para liberar incrementos de energía al planeta y al pueblo, energía luminosa que los maestros ascendidos y sus chelas deben reducir para distribuir esa energía entre la humanidad. Los retiros de la Gran Hermandad Blanca se han establecido en el planeta casi desde el nacimiento del planeta.
Funciones de los retiros
Los retiros tienen múltiples funciones para los consejos de la jerarquía que sirven a las oleadas de vida de la Tierra. Algunos retiros están abiertos para individuos no ascendidos, cuya alma puede viajar a esos focos en su cuerpo etérico entre una encarnación y otra en la Tierra y en sus cuerpos sutiles (durante el sueño o el samadi).
Muchos de los retiros de los Maestros, incluyendo sus escuelas de misterios, estuvieron en el plano físico durante las primeras eras doradas de la Tierra e incluso después de la Gran Rebelión y la Caída de los ángeles caídos. Ante la destrucción y la profanación de sus templos, los Maestros retiraron sus centros y sus llamas al plano etérico, de ahí el término "retiro".
Los retiros de los Elohim
The retreats of the Elohim are the most powerful on the planet because the Elohimic consciousness is such a vast cosmic awareness of God. The retreats of the Elohim in the body of the earth and the focuses of the flame therein are like the seven major chakras in the body of man. They are the key focuses for the seven rays upon the planetary body. Unascended lifestreams are seldom taken into the retreats of the Elohim, for these are kept as pure, vibrating electrodes to infuse the body of Virgo and Pelleur with life and to attune it with Cosmos.
Since the Elohim have a cosmic consciousness and a cosmic service throughout the galaxies and beyond the Great Central Sun, they appoint representatives to be hierarchs and administrators of their retreats. Their retreats are like touchstones where they place their feet now and then and anchor their consciousness as they are in and out of cosmic service. Of course, the Elohim, as God himself, can place an Electronic Presence of their being in their retreats, a replica of themselves, the full blazing reality of their God consciousness focused there.
Withdrawal of the mystery schools to the etheric retreats
After the Fall of man, the Great White Brotherhood sponsored mystery schools on Lemuria and Atlantis, where the higher spiritual truths were taught to those who were willing to keep the disciplines of the adepts. The Sangha of the Buddha, the Essene community at Qumran, and Pythagoras’ school at Crotona were among the more recent mystery schools. Other schools were located in the Himalayas, the Far East and Egypt, as well as in Europe and South America. One by one, these mystery schools were destroyed or disbanded.
Wherever these schools have been destroyed, the ascended masters who sponsored them withdrew their flames and sacred shrines to their retreats on the etheric plane. Here their disciples are trained between embodiments and in their finer bodies (during sleep or samadhi) in order that they might attain that Divine Self-knowledge which, until Saint Germain once again advanced it in this century, has not been available to mankind en masse in the physical plane for centuries.
Locations of the retreats
The retreats, temples and focuses of the masters are scientifically located upon the planetary body at certain key points in the design of the mandala. Their positions are calculated for the greatest release of light to the evolutions evolving here. All of the retreats act as receiving and sending stations for the light released in all of the other retreats upon the planetary body as well as that sent from near and distant stars and from the flaming Yod in the Great Hub.
The light emitted from the retreats bounces back and forth between them in magnetic waves. The result of the interaction of these waves of Light is the resonance of a cosmic tone, the sound of the great Amen, the AUM, or the OM, which can be heard with the inner ear. This cosmic keynote bathes the earth, the nature kingdom and mankind in the vibratory action of the sacred Word of creation, which means literally “I AM” or “God is the great Amen.” By this we know that every man can become one with the vibration of the lost Word.
La apertura de los retiros
Después de la ascensión del Mensajero Mark L. Prophet el 26 de febrero de 1973, los Señores del Karma dieron otra oportunidad a los niños de Dios de saldar su karma asistiendo a las clases que se imparten en los retiros de los Siete Chohanes, el Maha Chohán y los Instructores del Mundo.
El 1 de enero de 1986, el Buda Gautama y los Señores del Karma accedieron a la petición de los Señores de los Siete Rayos de abrir las universidades del Espíritu que se encuentran en sus retiros etéricos a decenas de miles de estudiantes para proseguir sistemáticamente el camino de la automaestría en los siete rayos. Los estudiantes viajan en sus cuerpos sutiles durante el sueño y pasan catorce días en el retiro de cada uno de los Chohanes y del Maha Chohán.
Véase también
Para más información
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Opening of the Temple Doors (La apertura de las puertas del templo)
El Morya, The Chela and the Path: Keys to Soul Mastery in the Aquarian Age, chapter 5.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, 22 de febrero de 1975.
Mark L. Prophet y Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Saint Germain Sobre Alquimia: Fórmulas para la autotransformation.
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Path to Immortality.