Liberdade para criar; opção de escolha da senda da direita ou da esquerda, da Vida ou da Morte, as espirais positivas ou negativas da consciência.
Possuidora do dom do livre-arbítrio, a alma pode optar entre habitar o plano do relativo, onde bem e mal são relativos à perspectiva no tempo e no espaço; ou pode optar pelo plano do Absoluto, onde o Bem é real e o Mal é irreal e a alma contempla Deus como a Verdade viva, “face a face”. Livre-arbítrio significa que o indivíduo pode aceitar ou rejeitar o plano divino, as leis de Deus e a oportunidade de viver na consciência do Amor.
God’s gift of free will carries with it a certain span of consciousness known as the life span, a series of embodiments, and the “bounds of man’s habitation.”[1] The soul, therefore, is not only confined to time and space during the period of her experimentation with free will, but she is also limited to a certain number of life cycles. At the end of this opportunity (compartmentalized in days, years, and dimensions), the use that the soul has made of the gift of free will determines her fate.
The soul that has chosen to glorify the Divine Ego (Reality) ascends into the Presence of the I AM THAT I AM. The soul that has chosen to glorify the human ego (unreality) passes through the second death,[2] her Self-denying consciousness permanently self-canceled; and all of her energies, simultaneously passed through the sacred fire, are returned to the Great Central Sun for repolarization.
Free will and karma
Without free will there can be no karma, whether in God or in man. Free will is the crux of the law of integration. Only God and man make karma, for only God and God in man have free will. All other creatures—including elemental life, the devic evolution and the angelic evolution—are the instruments of God’s will and man’s will. Hence they are the instruments of the karma of God and man.
The free will of angels is the free will of God. Angels are required to fulfill God’s will, for unlike man, they are not given the liberty to experiment with God’s energy. Although angels do make mistakes that produce results which are contrary to God’s will, they can later rectify their mistakes and realign that energy with God’s will.
Angelic rebellion against God’s will is of a different order than the karma-making exercise of free will in man. Free will is central to man’s expanding God-identity within the framework of the Great Law. Man is given the liberty to experiment with his free will, for he is a god in the making.
On the other hand, angels, who partake only of the free will of God, remove themselves from their lofty estate if they rebel against the will of God that they are charged to carry out. Thus, if an angel chooses to act against God’s will, he must be banished from the angelic realm to the footstool kingdom and embody in the kingdom of man.
Man, who is made a little lower than the angels, is already confined to the lower spheres of relativity. So when he creates negative karma, he simply remains at his own level while he balances it. But an angel who rebels against God’s will is removed from his high estate of complete identification with God and is relegated to the lower spheres of man’s habitation to balance the energy of God that he has misqualified.
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Saint Germain On Alchemy: Formulas for Self-Transformation.
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Path of Self-Transformation.