Джвал Кул

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Джвал Кул известен как Тибетский Владыка, или «Тибетец».

Tibetan depiction of Asanga (Aryasanga) being visited by Maitreya


Две тысячи лет назад Джвал Кул отправился в путешествие вместе с Эль Морией и Кутхуми, будучи одним из трех мудрецов, следовавших за звездой к месту рождения Иисуса. В том служении Троице он фокусировал розовый лепесток, Мория – голубой, а Кутхуми – желтый лепесток в силовом поле младенца Иисуса.

Ранее, до погружения Лемурии в воду, он помогал Господу Гималайе переносить древние священные реликвии и таблички в гималайские обители Владык; позже он проходил обучение в ламаистских монастырях Азии. Теософы говорят, что он воплощался Клейнеасом – учеником Пифагора (Кутхуми), а также одним из учеников Гаутамы Будды и Арьясангой.[1]

Под именем «Д. К.» и Гая Бенджамина он служил с Эль Морией и Кутхуми, содействуя усилиям, предпринятым ими в работе с Блаватской и Теософским обществом. Благодаря готовности служить, он стал известен как «Посланник Владык». Джвал Кул был лучшим учеником Кутхуми и жил в Тибете неподалеку от своего Учителя.

Его миссия сегодня

In the late nineteenth century, Djwal Kul, El Morya and Kuthumi won their ascension, and in the 1950s, they began working with the messengers Mark L. Prophet and later Elizabeth Clare Prophet to publish their instruction through The Summit Lighthouse.

With Kuthumi, Djwal Kul teaches about the human aura. He gives us the meditation on the secret chamber of the heart, and is one of the masters who initiate us within the inner temple, the secret chamber of the heart, on the path of love. He has released a breathing exercise for the integration of the four lower bodies, which is found in the book Studies of the Human Aura. He also teaches the great astrology of the ascended masters—the twelve lines of the cosmic clock for the twelve paths of initiation under the twelve solar hierarchies. He teaches us how to invoke the flame for the mastery of our daily astrology, which is our daily karma. Day by day, the karma—positive and negative—that comes to our life can be met and mastered by these twelve paths and twelve flames.

Djwal Kul tells a story that illustrates an element of spiritual science:

I am come tonight to bring to you the fresh winds of the Zuider Zee; and I begin with a tale of the land of the dikes.

There lived by the sea a gentle soul who was a miller. He and his wife served together to grind the grain for the people of their town. And it came to pass that in all the land there were no communities where so much happiness reigned as there. Their countrymen marveled and wondered, for they recognized that something unusual must have happened to make the members of this community so singularly wise and happy. And although the townsfolk themselves were born, grew up, matured to adulthood and passed from the screen of life within the community, never in all of their living were they able to understand the mystery.

Tonight I shall draw aside the curtain and tell you what made the people of this community so happy and prosperous, so joyous and wise.

It was the service of the miller and his wife and the love that they put into the flour. For this love was carried home in sacks of flour on the backs of those who patronized their mill and was then baked into their bread. At every meal the regenerative power of love from the miller and his wife was radiated around the table, and it entered their physical bodies as they partook of the bread. Thus, like radioactive power, the energy of this vibrant love from the miller and his wife was spread throughout the community.

The neighbors did not know the reason for their happiness and none of the people were ever able to discover it. For sometimes—although they live side by side—mankind are unable to pry the most simple secrets about one another. And so the mysteries of divine love continue to defy probing by the human consciousness, but we of the ascended masters’ octave occasionally choose to make them known to you by sharing these gems with you.

The instruction which I would bring to you tonight concerns physical properties and their power to retain the radiation of those who handle them. The food you eat, beloved ones, when prepared by hands charged with divine love, enters into your physical body and creates a much greater degree of spiritual happiness than mankind would at first realize. Those who are wise will recognize the truth of what I am saying; and if they must partake of food from unknown sources, they will be certain that they have removed by the violet transmuting flame those undesirable momentums of human creation whose radiation can do no good to the individual who partakes thereof and much harm to him who is unwary and therefore unprotected.[2]


Main article: Djwal Kul's Retreat in Tibet

The focus of Djwal Kul’s golden flame of illumination is in his etheric retreat in Tibet. From that point, he assists in the raising of the consciousness of India through her embodied teachers, the yogic masters of the Himalayas, under the influence of his understanding of yogic principles in preparation for future advancement in the science of invocation and the release of Christ-power through the seven chakras.


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Djwal Kul.”

  1. Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater, The Lives of Alcyone, ch. 47.
  2. Djwal Kul, “The Radiant Word,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 15, no. 15, April 9, 1972.