
Hinn eilífi skapari, varðveitandi og tortímandi — Brahma, Vishnú og Shíva — hindúaþrenning samsvarar vestrænum hugmyndum um föður, son og heilagan anda. Vishnú, önnur persóna þrenningarinnar, er hinn eilífi sonur, verndari hinnar guðdómlegu hönnunar, endurheimtir alheiminn með viskuljósinu.
Sem varðveitandi viðheldur Vishnú hinni guðdómlegu hönnun sem er mótuð í loga viskunnar. Hann endurheimtir alheiminn með algræðandi ljósi viskunnar. Sem sonurinn, Vishnú, holdgerir hann visku hins Kosmíska Krists. Hann er líka meðalgangari, eða brúin, milli mennskrar vitundar og Brahman, hins algerra veruleika.
Samkvæmt kenningum hindúasiðar er því haldið til haga að hvenær sem myrkraöflin ná yfirhöndinni á jörðinni kemur Vishnú mannkyninu til bjargar með því að holdgerast sem avatar. (Í þessari merkingu orðsins er Jesús Kristur holdtekning Vishnú. Sama máli gegnir um drottin Maitreya, drottin Gátama Búddha, drottin Sanat Kumara. Allir rekja uppruna sinn til annarrar persónu þrenningarinnar, Alheims Krists.) Avatarinn sigrar hið illa og stofnar trúarbrögð fyrir þann tíma sem hann fæddist.
Vishnu was thus incarnated nine times, always manifesting the qualities of Hari.[1] His most notable manifestations were as Rama and Krishna (his eighth incarnation).
Vishnu is the all-pervading Protector—protecting the Son in manifestation by God-awareness of both Self and anti-Self. He wields the sword of the Word for the annihilation by Wisdom’s fire of the forces of the anti-Self that would steal the light of that True Self before it is self-realized in the issue of God. This personification of the Godhead is the Preserver of the divine design conceived in Wisdom’s flame out of Power’s lawful Presence. Vishnu is the Restorer of the universe by Wisdom’s all-healing light, by the Science of Mind that is the true Power of illumination’s alchemy of Love.
Maki hans, Lakshmi
► Aðalgrein: Lakshmi
Lakshmi, Vishnu’s consort, is eternally identifiable as the polarity of all that he is. She is Wisdom unveiled in blessings of prosperity, the precipitation of abundance by the science of Prakriti and Purusha and the control of the four cosmic forces. She bears a cornucopia of good fortune by the “eye-magic” of the all-seeing eye of her Beloved. She teaches the mastery of karmic cycles on the cosmic clock, and multiplicity and beauty out of the Law of the One. Herself the Beautiful Mother, she mirrors the image of Wisdom’s God as health and holiness to her children.
Lakshmi took human form to serve as his consort in each of his incarnations. Lakshmi’s incarnations included Sita, the faithful wife of Rama; the cow girl Radha, beloved of Krishna; and Rukmini, the princess whom Krishna later married.
Sjá einnig
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, sjá “Vishnú”.
“The Divine Lovers,” 1985 Pearls of Wisdom, 1. bindi.
- ↑ Hari is a name for Vishnu, sometimes rendered “the Remover of Sorrow”; thought to be derived from hri, “to take away or remove evil or sin.”