O Espírito da Ressurreição

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O [[Special:MyLanguage/cosmic being]|ser cósmico]] conhecido como Espírito da Ressurreição sustenta a chama da ressurreição – de coloração madrepérola – que traz vida nova e supera a consciência da morte e do inferno.

O Espírito da Ressurreição diz:

EU SOU a presença flamejante da ressurreição. EU SOU o fogo da manhã de Páscoa. Saio do turbilhão do fogo sagrado, que é Deus, e EU SOU essa consciência de regeneração, de ressurreição, que vive, move-se e respira no coração da Chama. EU SOU essa presença flamejante. EU SOU essa identificação com Deus, com o fogo solar, compelindo toda a vida a elevar-se, cada vez mais, na plenitude da ação da Lei

Precisais compreender que, sem crucificação não pode haver ressurreição. Venho, portanto, no espírito da ressurreição, como fez Santa Maria,[1] para ungir os vossos corpos com óleo, preparando-os para o dia do vosso sepultamento, do sepultamento da mortalidade, da consciência carnal. É esse o símbolo da crucificação.

Este ser cósmico fala da primeira ressureição e da segunda:

I speak to you of your emergence from the world of darkness and your coming into the light as your first resurrection on the day when you declare, “This day I am born of God, I am a son of God, I am in the flame of God and I know who I am!”

This is your resurrection from the tomb of death and darkness and of the false generations of the worldly ones. On this day of days, then, when you accept that new birth in resurrection’s fires, you begin the path of initiation. You begin the way that leads to the second resurrection, after which you will have then put on that garment that will enable you to stand in the presence of Luxor and the priests of the sacred fire in preparation for your ascension in the light.[2]

Wherever any man or any woman stands before the initiators in the Great Pyramid, before the tomb where the old self is laid, where the new self will stand forth, wherever men and women of righteousness are found waiting upon the LORD to partake of the glorious realization of oneness, there I am, the Spirit of the Resurrection, to initiate the spiral of victory.

There is no other presence, no other power, no other knowing than that of flaming victory. Trust, then, in God. Trust in him who is thy life. Trust in every heart flame that glows in resurgence, in support of heaven’s good will.

I am that fiery trial. I am in the center of the fire. I build the furnace. I push you through the door and I compel you to dissolve that human consciousness in the fire, the sacred fire that is the coolness of the Maha Chohan, the Great Lord who embodies the very breath and consciousness of the Holy Spirit.[3]


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “The Spirit of the Resurrection.”

  1. Marcos 14:3-8; João 12:3-7.
  2. The Spirit of the Resurrection, December 5, 1976.
  3. The Spirit of the Resurrection, March 17, 1974.