Mother Mary's Circle of Light

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Mother Mary’s Circle of Light is a ritual in which devotees join hands to form a ring of light and offer prayers, hymns, mantras, and meditations for the healing of specific problems plaguing America and the nations of the world.

You can repeat the Circle of Light wherever two or three are gathered in the name of Christ[1] and understand that the principle is that when we hold hands we become one body, one mystical body of Christ. Our heart becomes one great heart, which is symbolized in the giant heart that we visualize in the center of the room, which is the diamond heart of Mother Mary.

And because we are one great heart, God multiplies the light through us in greater proportion than is possible when we are single. So as the group, the power of Christ is actually multiplied exponentially. We form an electrode of light that can conduct light to the earth in a manner that is more powerful than we can do so alone as individuals. And the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood then, manifesting through us, bears the burden of light and lowers that light for a planetary purpose.

The power of the Circle of Light

A number of masters have spoken of the use of this Circle of Light.

Saint Germain:

Thus, beloved hearts, pray for the Circle of Light to be formed. For Mother Mary’s Circle of Light worldwide is the manifestation in the physical octave of the solar ring which you have called forth. As seraphim have formed that ring, so, beloved, understand that you yourselves, extensions of seraphim, form ultimately the physical ring in the earth. Each time you form the Circle of Light in the name of Mother Mary—and you may do it often in the Messenger’s absence—remember that that ring of Light is the ring of Sanat Kumara and is the conductor of your mighty decrees and praises unto God. And it does hold the balance for America and our mission.[2]

And let the Circle of Light of Mother Mary be repeated for Afghanistan, for every nation on earth where dark ones lurk to destroy by any cause or murderous intent. Let the agents of Light, let the agents of the Holy Spirit go in their finer bodies as they visualize in the Circle of Light the ring of fire. It is indeed true—we can reinforce and intensify the release of Light in every circle you form because of the protection and the multiplication factor and the action of the Law of the One.

Thus, pray in the circle and know that Christ is always in the center—“There am I in the midst thereof.”[3] And this “I” is the Universal Christ of every Ascended Master and cosmic being. Understand the Law of the One of the Great White Brotherhood. Being is one; manifestation is perceived as the many. But the one Christ of us all is the entire Spirit (or consciousness) of the Great White Brotherhood in the center of your circle.[4]

Jesus and Magda:

I would comment to you, then, upon the power of the gift of the Circle of Light from the heart of my Mother initiated in this quarter. This Circle of Light was retained for you unto the end that you might receive the maximum initiation and Light that your bodies could bear. This, then, was accomplished magnificently last eve, and I desire to witness to the great beauty and power and alchemy that has occurred over Washington, D.C., and at inner levels.

You must understand that this [formation of the Circle of Light by the Messenger and devotees] was and always will be an exercise in consciously ascending to the plane of the etheric body—leaving, therefore, the lesser bodies under the automated control of systems set in motion—and journeying consciously through the etheric body (again, the Deathless Solar Body) to various places on earth for the completion of the work at hand.

This vital service cannot be overly praised, nor should it be underestimated. When you come into a realization of the all-power of God within you and its potential to change the world, I trust you will have the perspective to put all things in their proper place and arrive at the conclusion of the I AM Law of Life for your life.[5]

Services where the ritual was given

The messenger conducted the ritual of the Circle of Light at the following services:

December 1, 1984, the first Circle of Light.

December 6, 1984, Service for the Defense of the Nation and Circle of Light.

December 9, 1984, Circle of Light for the Healing of the United States.

January 1, 1985, Service before Vesta, Circle of Light for the Healing of America and the World.

February 1, 1985, Victory Rally for Camelot.

March 2, 1985, Circle of Light Ceremony for the Healing of the Philippines.

March 9, 1985, Circle of Light Ceremony for the Healing of the Earth.

June 15, 1985, Circle of Light for the Americas.

March 15, 1987, Circle of Light for Washington, D.C.

November 7, 1990, Service for the Healing of the Community.


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Lost Teachings on Finding God Within, p. 319.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, December 7, 1984.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, January 1, 1985.

  1. Matt. 18:19.
  2. Saint Germain, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 28, no. 12, March 24, 1985.
  3. Matt. 18:20.
  4. Saint Germain, “The Harvest,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 27, no. 61, December 23, 1984.
  5. Jesus and Magda, “A Torch of Responsibility,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 27, no. 62, December 26, 1984.