Exames finais

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No decorrer do ano, geralmente na primavera, na época da formatura, em junho, ou quando os Senhores do Carma se reunem no solstício de verão e no solstício de inverno no Retiro Royal Teton, os exames finais são apresentados à todos os chelas - testes muito específicos a serem pasados, geralmente sobre o elemento que os impediu de progredir. Infelizmente, muitos chelas são reprovados em seus testes e não esperam ser testados. E El Morya tem dito a eles repetidas vezes: “Tendes o direito de ser testados, de provar vossa coragem. Tendes o direito de passar em vossos testes. E nós temos o direito de esperar que nossos chelas avancem cada vez mais”.

Às vezes, as pessoas se esquecem de que, a cada ano, cada portador de luz, cada Guardião da Chama e talvez todos no planeta recebam seu exame final do ano no solstício de verão. Isso pode ocorrer no mês ou seis semanas antes do solstício, ou até mesmo no próprio dia do solstício.

Quando passamos os nossos testes significa que passamos para um novo nível. Deveríamos estar em uma espiral, subindo essa espiral até nossa Presença do EU SOU. Mas se formos reprovados em muitos testes ou se tivermos nos empenhado e dito: “Não vou mudar nesse ponto e me recuso a crescer”, então descobriremos que não estamos mais em uma espiral. Estamos em uma esteira. E temos sorte se estivermos no mesmo nível a cada ano, porque estar no mesmo lugar é realmente retroceder. Em pouco tempo, você não consegue manter o mesmo lugar porque não tem momemtum nem aceleração, então começa a desacelerar.

Os testes dos solstícios

O Senhor Lanto fala sobre a natureza dos testes que ocorrem nos solstícios:

You have been told that at winter and summer solstice you receive final exams. Each year you must prepare for those exams. The Christmas season is particularly difficult [because of] records of ancient pagan rites and the world in merrymaking. [What with the populace] entering more into those satanic rites of the fertility cults, of sensuality and the misuse of the sacred fire, [surfeiting themselves in] all manner of drugs and alcohol and sweets, it is a very bad time of the year.

Do not get caught in the vortex! For I, Lanto, am your Mentor and Guru and I tell you that many a chela has regularly failed the December tests in the name of family and family mesmerism. Therefore I warn you in advance that these failures go on your record and it does take some doing to scrub that record until you can get out that spot....

Yes, beloved, therefore it is necessary to plan your years as being the six months of the yang and the six months of the yin in the power of the great T’ai Chi—an initiation in the Father, an initiation in the Mother.

As you approach summer solstice, you have the same initiations but they come in an entirely different manner. Here you are moving with the spring energies, moving forward, and you must take care that you master the mighty sun of Aries and the love of Taurus that when you enter Gemini and come to that summer solstice [in Cancer] you shall truly not be divided in the anima and the animus[1] but rather whole within yourself in the male and female parts. This you work on during the preceding months so that when you come to that hour you are not divided—divided a chela from the Guru, a disciple from the Master, a desire body from the mental body and the four lower bodies from the living Christ.

Thus, the Gemini twins must give. And you must give that you might find yourself in harmony with the other half of yourself and know that consequently wherever your twin flame is, you also have harmony with that twin flame.[2]

The need to accelerate

The real law of growth in the universe is this: Either accelerate or decelerate. You may choose to stay in the same place but that’s wishful thinking. It doesn’t happen. With El Morya, change is the order of the day. Change is acceleration. Change is alchemy. It is the violet flame.

And if perhaps you passed a lot of tests well and failed a few notable ones and maybe some minor ones, what you need to do is quickly ask for those tests to be given to you again. A teacher who gives you a make-up test is not going to give you the same test that the rest of the class had or that you failed, because obviously that would make it easier for you. So when you ask for a test to be given again you must expect that it will come in the most unexpected ways. “Expect the unexpected” ought to be the byword of those who love El Morya and Lanello.

You should not be content to go forward now into a new year of testing that begins with summer solstice knowing you have failed a test and simply saying, “Oh, well...” You can make up that exam. You can pass it. But you may have some penalties in taking it again. You may have to earn 125 percent on the test in order to get a grade of 100, because that’s the way it goes even in the universities of the world when you turn in a paper late. So better late than never! And better get on the spiral of the next year because the spirals are turning, they are increasing.

See also


Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 29, no. 80.

Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 33, no. 20.

  1. anima: the feminine component in a man’s personality. animus: the masculine component in a woman’s personality
  2. Lord Lanto, “Be a Beacon in the Night!” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 35, no. 47, October 28, 1992.