Коренная раса

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A root race is a group of souls, or a lifewave, who embody together and have a unique archetypal pattern, divine plan, and mission to fulfill on earth. According to esoteric tradition, there are seven primary aggregations of souls, i.e., the first to the seventh root races.

Первые три коренные расы жили в чистоте и невинности в течение трех золотых веков до Падения Адама и Евы. Послушанием космическому закону и полным отождествлением с Истинным Я эти три коренные расы завоевали свою бессмертную свободу и вознеслись, покинув Землю.

It was during the time of the fourth root race, on the continent of Lemuria, that the allegorical Fall took place under the influence of the fallen angels known as Serpents (because they used the serpentine spinal energies to beguile the soul, or female principle in mankind, as a means to their end of lowering the masculine potential, thereby emasculating the Sons of God).

The fourth, fifth, and sixth root races (the latter soul group not having entirely descended into physical incarnation) remain in embodiment on earth today. The seventh root race is destined to incarnate on the continent of South America in the Aquarian age.

The Manus

Each root race embodies under the aegis of a Manu (Sanskrit, “progenitor” or “lawgiver”), who embodies the Christic image for the race.

See also


Seventh root race


Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 25, no. 53, December 29, 1982.

Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Saint Germain On Alchemy: Formulas for Self-Transformation, s.v. “Manu.”

Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 37, no. 16, April 17, 1994.