Herkúles and Amasonía

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Herkúles og Amasonía eru elóhímar fyrsta geisla máttar, trúar og vilja Guðs. Árur Herkúlesar og Amasoníu eru hlaðnar bláum eldingum með sterkum rauðgulum litbrigðum.

Rómversk stytta af Herkúles (f. Kr.D. 80)

Herkúles í grískum goðsögnum

Herkúles var frægastur af hetjum grískrar goðafræði. Uppruni goðsagnaveranna í grískri goðafræði byggir á fjarlægu sálarminni og brengluðum skilningi á því að uppi voru miklar ljósverur á liðnum gullöldum. Hinir uppstignu meistarar áttu eitt sinn samleið með mannkyninu á Atlantis, en þeir drógu sig smám saman í hlé eftir því sem mannkynið féll niður á lægra vitundarstig.

Í augum hinna fornu var Herkúles einn af frægustu forföður þeirra, milliliður manna og guða. Nafn hans þýðir „dýrð loftsins“. Herkúles ríkti yfi öllum þáttum hellenskrar menntunar. Í þætti hans sem íþróttahetja voru Ólympíuleikarnir kenndir við hann.

Sagt er að eftir fyrirmælum véfréttarinnar í Delfí hafi Herkúles eytt tólf árum undir stjórn Evrýsteifar, sem lagði á hann tólf erfiðar, að því er virðist óvinnandi „þrautir“. Nemar dýpri leyndardóma skilja að sagan af þrautum Herkúlesar sýnir þörf sálarinnar á vígslubrautinni fyrir stjórn á kröftum hinna tólf helgivelda sólarinnar.

Þjónusta elóhímanna

Elóhíminn Herkúles er árþúsundum eldri en grísk goðafræði. Þegar Guð bauð að þetta sólkerfi yrði myndað, kom tilskipunin: „Verði ljós,“ og það varð ljós. Það var Herkúles sem kallaði saman hina voldugu elóhíma, formsmiðina, til að koma fram og hrinda guðdómlegri áætlun Sól-logosins í framkvæmd. Mikill styrkur hans er sóttur í kærleikríka hlýðni hans við vilja Guðs. Hann leysir úr læðingi bláa leifturvernd og uppsafnaðan slagkraft sinn í vilja-krafts aðgerðum sem svar við kalli mannkyns um styrk og stefnu.

Herkúles hefur sagt okkur að í mörgum tilvikum, vegna stöðu sinnar meðal elóhímanna sjö, sé hann eini fulltrúi guðdómsins sem getur staðið á milli mannkyns og endurkomu karma þeirra. Hann sagði árið 1974: „Hvar sem hamfarir, flóð eða eldur eða stormur eða þurrkar verða, bið ég ykkur að ákalla mig, svo að ég megi miðla málum með hinum mikla krafti sem Guð hefur gefið mér. ... Ákallið nafn Herkúlesar, nótt sem nýtan dag.“[1]

Samkvæmt lögmáli hins frjálsa vilja geta meistarar, elóhímar, englar ekki gripið inn í gang mála í heimi okkar nema við biðjum þá um það. Árið 1995 sagði Herkúles:

Aldrei áður hafa slíkar ívilnanir verið veittar okkur með möntrufyrirmælum sem beina til jarðarinnar bláum eldi og hvítum leifturborðum sem leysa beinlínis upp misbeitta mennska orku.

Ég lofa ykkur því að í hvert sinn sem þið gefið ákall til mín með níföldum margfeldisáhrifum munuð þið fá margfeldisáhrif sem eiga ekki sinn líka síðan líkamleg nærvera mín birtist upphaflega á jörðinni. Þið getið notað þessi möntrufyrirmæli til að stefna Stóru sigurliðunum sem vinna með herskörum okkar. Við búum yfir sérstakri ívilnun. Því við erum einu [elóhímarnir] sem fá að hafa svo náin efnisleg tengsl á jörðinni á þessum tímum.[2]

In 1996, Hercules said, “Calling to us is imperative to hold the world in peace.... Make calls to me daily, even if you only offer me three Hercules decrees. That is enough, beloved. But call my name, and you empower me to work in your levels.”[3]

Hercules wants us to focus on turning back domestic and international terrorism, earth changes and all challenges to God-government. As you give these calls, you can visualize the Elohim pouring their light into this world through the chalice of Elohim anchored over the Heart of the Inner Retreat. Visualize white fire and blue lightning turning back domestic and international terrorism and all that opposes God-government. Make your visualizations as specific as possible. The more specific your visualizations, the more effective your decrees will be, because you are directing God’s light, like a laser beam, right into the core of a situation.

Herkúles að drepa Nemean ljónið, eitt af tólf þrautum hans (um 500 f.Kr.)
Herkúles og stymfalíu-fuglarnir, ein af hinum tólf þrautum, Albrecht Dürer (1600)

Þrautir Herkúlesar

In August 1989 the messenger requested decree assignments from El Morya to accomplish “meritorious deeds” that would help the Great White Brotherhood, El Morya and the lightbearers of the world. During the 1989 fall conference, Archangel Michael announced that Hercules and the seven Elohim had come to give us spiritual labors. He said, “They come to give you those assignments whereby this world may be delivered of certain increments of karma and certain manifestations of the fallen ones whose time is up.”[4]

During the conference the messenger and chelas worked on twelve spiritual labors corresponding to the twelve labors of Hercules in Greek mythology. Beloved Hercules and El Morya have periodically given us labors for the binding of astral forces and fallen angels attacking the lightbearers. These decree assignments are also for penance, initiation and the balancing of karma.

Æviskeið Herkúlesar á jörðinni

Morya hefur sagt okkur að ástæðan fyrir því að hinn ástfólgni voldugi Herkúles okkar er svo nálægt efnisáttundinni er sú að hann bauðst einu sinni til að endurfæðast á jörðinni:

There came a time in earth’s history when evil was so rampant and spacecraft and aliens, and indeed there were giants in the earth and there were gods,[5] that Hercules himself did volunteer to take embodiment to deal with those Watchers, to deal with their creation half-animal, half-human. And therefore, he did descend in another era. And he did go forth all of his days and all of his hours to challenge those fallen ones.

And therefore, heart and mind and soul and spirit one-pointed, Hercules did save the day for planet Earth at one point in an era past. And he did save the earth for you, beloved, to be here again in this time. And now he is grateful that you have chosen to call forth his Electronic Presence and to walk the earth not only as Morya’s chelas, as Michael’s chelas, but also as the chelas of Hercules and Amazonia.

Blessed ones, the myths you hear are indeed myths, stories told many times over and embellished. But at the seed of it and the heart of it there is truth and there is the realization that one so great a being of Light could actually receive the dispensation of Almighty God to embody and then become so involved in dealing with Evil incarnate as to create karma, as to also be trapped by that barrage of human creation/Nephilim creation and all manner of manipulation of the sacred science as to have to reincarnate thrice in order to expiate the karma incurred for literally rolling in the mud of earth with these fallen ones.

Here you can understand the sacrifice of one so beloved. Here you can understand a heart who would not stand by and see the infamy of these fallen ones on planet earth and did forego the octaves of perfection and light and God-dominion. And therefore you see that by the planetary climate of gross darkness and delusion even such a one can become detoured and make karma.

Therefore, do not chide yourselves for your mistakes but learn from his sacrifices and his victories as well as from his mistakes and also know that for an Ascended Master or a being of cosmos to volunteer to take physical embodiment is indeed a calculated risk. And many have found themselves in this very predicament, beloved ones, and have had to come home the long, hard road of karma yoga until the coming of Saint Germain and Portia and the dawn of the Aquarian age and the dispensation of the violet flame.

And therefore I tell you, Hercules’ wrestling with physical monsters now becomes for you the exorcism by the Ruby Ray of the Holy Ghost of their astral counterparts. And although it be very hard spiritual work and a certain physical, emotional and mental stress and strain, beloved, when you have that victory you know peace at a new level of victory and you know a new level of peace. And each time you have the victory that sacred fire of the Kundalini is rising and you experience a new heaven; and gradually your souls are meshing with the etheric octave so that the transition called death when it comes upon you in the natural order of things will be nothing at all, for you will already have been living in that octave for decades while yet in the physical body.[6]


On December 16, 1962, Amazonia came from the Great Central Sun to speak of the ancient civilizations of South America and of a giant race of magnificent women who once dwelt there when Amazonia herself “manifested physically upon this planet.” However, the Amazons “became depraved individuals using their giant strength to wage destructive warfare even against the opposite sex and degenerating into mere tribes.”

Amazonia then reminded us of many of the cataclysmic upheavals that have occurred throughout history in order “to call to your attention the dangers inherent in wrong thinking and wrong living and misjudging and misdirecting your energy.” She explained that the Great White Brotherhood longs to see an era of peace and plenty in South America, “to see the old temples raised anew.” But Amazonia warned that “the power of freedom must be retained in the heart of America that the germinal seeds of light may be transmitted safely there in one mighty Pan-American union.”

Half Dome, Yosemite þjóðgarðurinn, Kaliforníu


Aðalgrein: Athvarf Herkúlesar og Amasoníu

Athvarf Herkúlesar og Amasoníu er á ljósvakasviðinu í og uppi ​​yfir Half Dome í Yosemite þjóðgarðinum í Norður-Kaliforníu.

Amasonía hefur einnig móttöku- og sendistöð (beini) á suðurhluta Suður-Ameríku.

Sjá einnig


Þrautir Herkúlesar


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, sjá “Hercules and Amazonia”.

  1. Hercules, „Brace Yourself to Carry the Earth,“ Pearls of Wisdom, 17. bindi, nr. 4, 27. janúar, 1974.
  2. Hercules and Amazonia, 29. júní, 1995, vitnað í Elizabeth Clare Prophet, "The Empowerment of Elohim," Pearls of Wisdom, 41. bindi, nr. 42 , 18. október, 1998.
  3. Hercules and Amazonia, “Our Primary Concern: To Remove the Fallen Ones from the Planet,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 45, no. 51, December 22, 2002.
  4. Archangel Michael, “Hail, Excalibur!” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 32, no. 45, November 1, 1989.
  5. Gen. 6:4; Num. 13:32–33; I Enoch 7–16; 68:1–20, 39–41; 105:16; Book of the Secrets of Enoch (II Enoch) 18:1–4; Book of Jubilees 5:1–3; 7:21–23; Testament of Reuben 2:18, 19.
  6. El Morya, “I Am Unbenched!” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 32, no. 33, August 13, 1989.