Gabriel y Esperanza

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Gabriel y Esperanza son el arcángel y la arcangelina del cuarto rayo de la llama de la resurrección y la ascensión. Junto con los ángeles de la pureza y los serafines, estas llamas gemelas protegen el concepto inmaculado del diseño Divino de cada hombre, mujer y niño del planeta.

El Arcángel Gabriel

Ángel de la Anunciación

Gabriel es el Ángel de la Anunciación que saludó a María con las palabras: «¡Salve, muy favorecida! El Señor es contigo; bendita tú entre las mujeres».Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; refs with no name must have content Gabriel saluda a cada futura madre con las buenas nuevas de la venida del Cristo para quien ella tiene el privilegio de preparar el templo corporal. Él coloca el patrón electrónico del Ser Crístico del niño que ha de llegar en el aura de la madre para que los elementales del cuerpo de madre e hijo, bajo la dirección de sus Seres Crísticos, puedan trabajar juntos y producir la forma perfecta. Las huestes angélicas trabajan con los padres para afianzar en el niño los talentos mejores y más altos, desarrollados en encarnaciones anteriores y que están almacenados en el cuerpo causal.

Aunque las mayoría de las mujeres del planeta de hoy día no están sintonizadas con la elevada conciencia de pureza de Gabriel y, por tanto, no oyen su voz, se avecina el tiempo en que todos los futuros padres oirán la anunciación del Cristo que desciende, y sabrán que traer a un alma enviada por Dios para que cumpla su destino es un llamado elevado y santo, una responsabilidad de la cual las parejas cualificadas no deberían rehuir.

Gabriel advierte que la campaña para limitar la población es un complot Anticristo para privar a las almas de la oportunidad de ganarse la ascensión. Los que proclaman o hacen caso de las mentiras sobre el control de la población pueden encontrarse los portales del nacimiento cerrados cuando después soliciten a los Señores del Karma poder reencarnar.


La resurrección

Gabriel y Esperanza están dedicados a la pureza de todas las corrientes de vida y a la del propósito de Dios para todas las almas. Esperanza llena a los padres de expectativas, alegría, entusiasmo y el recuerdo de la meta de toda corriente de vida: la ascensión en la luz.

Gabriel quisiera compartir con nosotros sus valiosos recuerdos de la mañana de resurrección de hace dos mil años. Él dice:

Estimadas damas y caballeros », dice Gabriel, «ahora quisiera cruzar los grandes registros akáshicos y visionar otra vez aquella mañana gloriosa cuando descendí por los éteres, acompañado de los santos ángeles de mi grupo, para avivar la llama de la esperanza en el corazón de los expectantes amados discípulos del Cristo moviendo la piedra de delante de la tumba en la que el valioso cuerpo yacía.

It was no effort, and is no effort for an angelic being to move matter when given the power by the Godhead. And the stone did not resist the passage of light from my fingers. As I clutched it momentarily, the thought occurred to me that in rolling away this stone, I would to God that even at that moment I could have rolled away the stone of death from every man and woman upon this precious planet until all would be free from fear and from oppression.

The angels who accompanied me, catching my thought instantaneously as is our custom—for we are not like you, blessed ones, that we require one another to utter a thought—quickly began a chant of hope. And led in melodic expression by my beloved Hope, the angels began this wondrous song, which seemed to radiate a pathway of golden light of hope across the very face of the earth with the incoming dawn. Early in the morning, when the holy women came searching for the Christ, they found the stone rolled away.[1]

This same blessing and service of an archangel is also offered to each one of us who can accept it. Just as the stone was pushed away by Gabriel’s hand from before the door of the tomb in which Christ lay, so also can the problems and density of our own lives yield to the light if we will allow him to enter our world. As the tomb of materiality that stands before each one of us as our own human creation and density is rolled away, we can see within that tomb the resurrected Christ of our own Holy Christ Self standing above us in the ethers, radiant in all the splendor of his glory and perfection.

Their service today

Archangel Gabriel has spoken about the mysteries of life and death, this world and the next, and the nature of an ages-old conspiracy to dominate the minds and souls and hearts of the lifewaves not only of planet Earth, but of this and other systems of worlds. He was eyewitness to the antediluvian epochs, and he speaks to us of the books of our father Enoch, vividly interpreting the battle of Light and Darkness.

In his book Mysteries of the Holy Grail, Gabriel has given his teaching concerning the knowledge of relative good and evil, and how it was transmitted to our first earthly parents by fallen angels who conspired to tear the veil of innocence from Adam and Eve that they might no longer see the LORD God face to face—and their progeny be led astray for thousands of years.

Gabriel is the friend of God and man. All lovers of the light can claim this archangel as their special confidant and advisor. He teaches us about the lawful communion of the saints dwelling in these lower octaves of earth with the saints moving in the higher octaves of heaven.

In 1987, Archeia Hope said:

O blessed hearts, do you know one thing that you have absolute and complete control over? It is this—that the golden age can manifest in this hour where you are! Where the individualization of the God flame is in you, the golden age can already be in session and in progress in your aura.... You need no longer speculate, “Will the golden age come to earth?” But you can say, “It is here in me. That I know, O God. It is where I am, and more than this I cannot even desire. For I am with Hope filling cosmos with my golden age.”[2]


Main article: Gabriel and Hope's retreat

The retreat of Archangel Gabriel and Hope is located in the etheric plane between Sacramento and Mount Shasta, California. As archangel and archeia of the fourth ray of purity and the ascension, they also serve with Jesus and Mother Mary at the Temple of the Resurrection over the Holy Land and with Serapis Bey, lord of the fourth ray, at the etheric retreat of the Ascension Temple at Luxor, Egypt.

The energy of Gabriel is focused through the music of the Intermezzo from Cavalleria Rusticana, by Pietro Mascagni.

See also

For the cosmic being Hope, see Faith, Hope and Charity.


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Gabriel and Hope.”

  1. Archangel Gabriel, September 10, 1963.
  2. Pearls of Wisdom, 1984, Book One, Introduction One, pp. 19–20.