Gran Director Divino
El Gran Director Divino es un ser cósmico. «Se me conoce como el Gran Director Divino», nos dice, «porque he fusionado mi conciencia con los ciclos cósmicos del plan divino de Dios de incontables universos de luz»164. Su cuerpo causal es una gigantesca esfera azul que rodea todo el planeta. En ella hay redes y campos energéticos a través de los cuales tendrá lugar la emisión del juicio.

Hace mucho tiempo, el Gran Director Divino pasó por unas iniciaciones que le colocaron en niveles cósmicos de servicio y le cualificaron para convertirse en el manú de la séptima raza raíz. Un manú de una raza raíz es el legislador que establece el plan divino de toda una evolución. El manú encarna el arquetipo de toda una oleada de vida de almas que habrá de encarnar en la Tierra en cierto período: la Divina Imagen y la semejanza de la cual son creadas y el patrón de su destino. La séptima raza raíz está destinada a encarnar primero en Suramérica, bajo el Gran Director Divino.
His service in past ages
Antes del hundimiento de la Atlántida, mientras Noé construía su arca y advertía a la gente del gran Diluvio que se avecinaba, el Gran Director Divino llamó a Saint Germain y a unos cuantos fieles sacerdotes para transportar la llama de la libertad desde el Templo de la Purificación a un lugar seguro en las colinas de los Cárpatos, en Transilvania. Allí llevaron a cabo el ritual sagrado de expandir los fuegos de la libertad, incluso cuando el karma de la humanidad estaba siendo exigido por decreto divino.
En encarnaciones posteriores, Saint Germain y sus seguidores, bajo la guía del Gran Director Divino, redescubrieron la llama y continuaron protegiendo el santuario. Después, el Gran Director Divino, asistido por su discípulo, estableció un retiro donde se ubicaba la llama y fundó la Casa de Rakoczy, la casa real de Hungría. Debido a su asociación con la Casa de Rakoczy, el Gran Director Divino lleva el apelativo de Maestro R, significando la «R» Rakoczy. El Gran Director Divino todavía tiene en la Mansión Rakoczy de Transilvania un foco de la libertad para Europa oriental y occidental. El retiro era físico en su día, pero ahora se encuentra en el plano etérico.
Su servicio hoy
El Morya nos dice que el Gran director Divino ha patrocinado a Europa durante miles de años. Es el instructor de Saint Germain y muchos otros maestros, como Jesús y El Morya.
The Great Divine Director is a member of the Darjeeling Council and also a member of the Karmic Board, serving that body on the first ray of God’s holy will. He also occupies the twelve o’clock line of the twelve solar hierarchies on behalf of the evolutions of this solar system, serving with the hierarchy of Capricorn to assist mankind in the overcoming of their human creation.
Invoking his assistance
He is often depicted with a large blue belt, hung with dazzling blue jewels, with dazzling light rays emanating from his heart, throat and head. These light rays are very powerful. When you give the decree to the Great Divine Director, you can tie into those light rays and his protection. He will place his blue belt around you at the etheric level for the protection of your chakras and will help you bring forth your divine plan.
The Great Divine Director administers the use of the Disc of Light that focuses the whirling action of the violet flame. As the disc of fire rotates at the speed of light in a clockwise direction, it draws into its center the misqualified substance in the electronic belt and in the four lower bodies. You may visualize this disc of light as a giant electric sanding machine, emitting sparks of light as it whirls and creating a vortex that draws into itself all substance requiring transmutation.
Divine direction is a state of consciousness in God. It is the perfect awareness of his plan for all life. Ultimately, this awareness contains within itself not only the direction but its logical conclusion in action-fulfillment. Long ago, before our souls were reckoning with being God, an initiate of the Solar Lords perceived the need of lifewaves here below to know the plan and to proceed with unerring direction from the Polestar of Being to complete the plan as blueprint-matrix, as thought conceptualized, as motive and willingness engendering momentum for completion, as Mater-realization, physical fulfillment, the completion of a cycle. His name, too, became secondary to the flame he adored.
And so, the nameless one worshiping God as the law of unerring direction came to be known as the Great Divine Director, because, through adoration, he became the adored and then the adorable one. And then, the office in cosmic hierarchy, the Great Divine Director, became his God-identity.
The Great Divine Director has authored a series of Pearls of Wisdom, called “The Mechanization Concept,”[1] to help us understand the challenges of Armageddon. The “Rakoczy March” by Franz Liszt was inspired from his causal body.
Ganesha and the Great Divine Director
► Main article: Ganesha
The Great Divine Director is a cosmic being noted by his great causal body, in which he ensouls the memory, the blueprint, the mind of God for all evolutions of this outbreath of the Godhead. In the ascended masters’ lexicon and understanding, we speak of the Great Divine Director. In Hinduism, they speak of Ganesha. When you meditate upon both vibrations, you find that they are like two parts of a whole.
Meditation on Ganesha leads you to this infinite storehouse of the blueprint of the mind of God. When you contact that blueprint, you have contacted the core spiral of energy that must be released out of the nucleus of the atom of your own I AM Presence for you to begin whatever project you are beginning in the service of God. You can make the same contact through the ascended master the Great Divine Director, who himself, as you might say, becomes Ganesha, becomes that mind, that cosmic computer.
► Main article: Rakoczy Mansion
► Main article: Cave of Light
The Great Divine Director continues to maintain in the Rakoczy Mansion in Transylvania a focus of freedom for Eastern and Western Europe. The retreat was once physical but is now in the etheric plane. In addition to the Rakoczy Mansion, he maintains a focus in the Cave of Light in India, where he uses his authority to purify the four lower bodies of advanced initiates of their remaining karma and to give them purified vehicles to render a cosmic service in the world of form prior to their ascension.
See also
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Great Divine Director.”
- ↑ also available as Mark L. Prophet, The Soulless One: Cloning a Counterfeit Creation.