Kosmískur Kristur og Búddha jarðarinnar

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Other languages:

Cosmic Christ and Planetary Buddha' er skrifstofa í stigveldi sem nú er haldið fyrir þróun jarðar af Lord Maitreya. Hann þjónar beint undir Lord Gautama, Lord of the World. Ábyrgð embættis Planetary Búdda felur í sér að halda loga kosmíska Krists fyrir hönd lífsbylgna plánetunnar. Maitreya lávarður tók við af Gautama lávarði á skrifstofu Planetary Búdda í janúar 1956.

Sem kosmískur Kristur og plánetubúdda hefur Drottinn Maitreya umsjón með embætti Heimskennara, sem nú er haldið sameiginlega af Jesús og Kuthumi. Þeir þrír, ásamt Gautama og öðrum sem þjóna viskugeislanum, færa mannkyninu - sama á hvaða stigi Krists sjálfsvitund þeirra er - skilning á því hvernig hver og einn gæti lifað lífi Krists með hagnýtri beitingu laga Guð.

Speaking of his office of Cosmic Christ, Lord Maitreya said in his March 24, 1974, dictation, “I focus the consciousness of the Cosmic Christ for every particle of matter.” On July 1, 1978, the Ascended Lady Master Portia defined the office of Cosmic Christ as “the very embodiment of the combined momentum of the Christ consciousness of every individual soul evolving in the Matter cosmos.”

Lord Maitreya gave to the world an understanding of his office as Cosmic Christ in his October 14, 1973, dictation:

I represent to you Father when you are reaching up to become the Christ. And when you become the Christ, I represent to you Brother in Christ. And when you are seeking to raise up the Feminine Ray, then I provide the complement to that Feminine Ray as the action of the Holy Spirit. And when you manifest the Holy Spirit, then I appear as the Bride arrayed in white. And so, you see, the mastery of the [consciousness of the] Cosmic Christ is [the accomplishment] of the [mastery of the] four points of the City Foursquare and of the four sides of the four lower bodies. And thus, the mark of the Cosmic Christ consciousness and of one who has attained it is that you become all things to all people.

See also


1984 Pearls of Wisdom, book 2, Introduction.