Templo de la Verdad

El Templo de la Verdad se encuentra en el reino etérico, sobre la isla de Creta, donde quedan las ruinas del Templo de la Verdad físico original del período en que la isla formaba parte de Grecia, en el continente.
El maestro ascendido Hilarión es el jerarca del retiro y Palas Atenea, Diosa de la Verdad, es la Patrona. Juntos dirigen las actividades de la Hermandad de la Verdad, huestes angélicas que prestan servicio en el quinto rayo y corrientes de vida no ascendidas que llegan en sus cuerpos sutiles entre encarnaciones y también durante el sueño para aprender la verdad de todas las enseñanzas, especialmente la ley cósmica, la ciencia de la curación, las matemáticas, la música, la geometría divina y la ciencia de los ritmos engrámicos, las leyes de la alquimia y la precipitación.
La Hermandad de la Verdad se dirige a las almas que han quedado desencantadas por las falsas enseñanzas, que se han vuelto escépticas y agnósticas, incluso ateas. También patrocina a todos los instructores de la Verdad, siervos de Dios, líderes religiosos y misioneros trabajando constantemente para llevar su conciencia hacia una mayor apreciación de la plenitud de la Verdad, de la cual quizá hayan experimentado sólo una parte, una parte que pensaron era la totalidad y que así enseñaron.
La Hermandad también trabaja incansablemente para introducir matrices de la Verdad en la conciencia de la humanidad, allá donde aparezcan la imperfección y el error. Supervisa el escenario en un intento de hallar uno o más contactos que sean receptivos a la vibración superior que trazará el perfecto plan, patrón o idea de un empeño o servicio en particular.
The ruins of the temple are just one more reminder that wherever light is raised and virtue is espoused, the hordes of darkness gather to destroy and to tear down, lest the flame rise above the mediocrity of their consciousness and consume it. Subsequent to the rape of the Temple of Truth, the Delphic order under the Lady Vesta (twin flame of Helios and the first Goddess of Truth to the earth) and Pallas Athena directed the release of messages through embodied lifestreams, called the Oracle of Delphi. The wisdom released through them gave great assistance to those embodied who were keeping the flame of wisdom and truth on behalf of mankind. Eventually one member of the order betrayed their service, and so the dispensation was withdrawn.

The etheric temple is a replica of the physical focus built on the scale of the Parthenon. Long marble steps lead to the columned building decorated in gold frieze. The classrooms and council halls of the Temple of Truth are located in the immense area beneath the ascending marble steps. The hundred-foot altar in the center of the temple, a single beautifully carved pillar, holds the focus of the flame of truth in a golden brazier.
The brothers and sisters who minister unto the flame and serve in this retreat form concentric squares at the base of the pillar. Their places are marked by mosaic designs, and between the innermost square and the pillar are mosaic patterns depicting great masters and cosmic beings who have served the cause of Truth throughout the ages.
The flame of Truth is an intensely bright and fiery green, the color that compels precipitation, actualization, alchemy, practicality, healing and rejuvenation. The abstract, the ephemeral, the intangible, all are made concrete by the flame of Truth and the service rendered by all who are devoted to the life of God, of which it is a focus.
Attending the retreat
Hilarion invites us to attend classes in his retreat:
When you come then to the Temple of Truth, be prepared for the reception of Lanello, our newly ascended Brother of Truth who by attainment wears the robe of our retreat and lectures in our halls, teaching and preaching as of old after the gospel of Jesus the Christ, who taught his disciples to become fishers of men.
If you would be fishers of men, if you would carry the sword of Truth and wear our robe, then come and be initiated, and receive a just portion of the fires of Truth. For our God is a consuming fire, and he shall consume in this hour all that is allied with error and that defiles the image of the Holy Virgin.[1]
See also
Mark L. Prophet y Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Los Maestros y sus Retiros, Volumen 2, “El Templo de la Verdad”.
- ↑ Template:OSD, chapter 5.