Portador de luz

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Other languages:

Ser portador de luz significa llevar al Cristo, el que lleva la Luz que es Cristo, alguien que lleva la responsabilidad de la cristeidad en sí mismo y en otros defendiendo la verdad y honrando a Dios; alguien que ha sido ungido por la conciencia Crística y profesa esta iluminación para todos. El portador de luz es el Guardián de la Llama cuyo lema debe ser "YO SOY el guardián de mi hermano: YO SOY el guardián de la Luz del Cristo en mi hermano".

A Lightbearer bears the Christ consciousness as he internalizes the Word of God. A Lightbearer is one who daily assimilates and becomes the mystical Body and Blood of Christ; his aura is filled with the light that is the by-product of his state of Light, state of Being, state of Mind and state of Consciousness—his Self-Awareness in God and in his Christ. And that God Self-Awareness we call God consciousness, and that Christ Self-Awareness we call Christ consciousness. And “that was the true Light,” John says, “which lighteth [ignites the divine spark, the threefold flame of the heart, in] every [Son of] man [-ifestation] that cometh into the world.”[1]

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Mark L. Prophet y Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Saint Germain Sobre Alquimia: Fórmulas para la autotransformation.

Perlas de Sabiduría, vol. 32, núm. 28, 9 de julio de 1989.

  1. John 1:9.