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Ígor estuvo encarnado en Rusia en la época de la revolución y guardó la llama por sus compatriotas en aquel período de afanes. Ígor era discípulo de la Virgen María y el Arcángel Gabriel.

Al principio de la vida de Ígor, Gabriel le visitó y le dijo: «Salve, Ígor. Dios ha escuchado tu oración y me ha enviado. Sabe, pues, que te guiaré en tu vida y seré para ti un amigo»Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; refs with no name must have content. A través de este devoto hijo de Dios, María afianzó una luz que evitó que la destrucción y la pérdida de vida durante la revolución rusa fueran mucho mayores.

Igor’s life

La Virgen María habla de Ígor como su «Hijo desconocido» y describe su vida de dedicación a Dios:

así, deseo hablaros de Ígor, el pequeño muchacho ruso, el niño campesino del que me encargué en el siglo XIX. Y sostuve por él el mismo concepto inmaculado que sostuve por mi Hijo, Jesús.

Ígor vivía cerca del monte Ararat[1] en una cabaña muy humilde, y desde niño rezaba a Dios. Porque era un niño distinto a esos rudos muchachos campesinos como sus vecinos, y a una edad muy temprana se dedicó a la contemplación interior.

Recuerdo bien cuando su mente sin formar no podía crear aún ni siquiera las matrices cognitivas de lo que sentía en su alma. Pero yo trabajé con uno de los grandes ángeles del habla que en los tiempos de la Torre de Babel fue utilizado para confundir a la gente. Y le insté a que ayudara a Ígor para que, mediante el poder del ángel, entendiera el significado del habla para que incluso sus sentimientos se pudieran traducir a la comprensión divina.

This child prayed, and he prayed not only with feeling but he prayed with understanding. And it came to pass that during the days of the Russian Revolution the work of Igor was most important to stop the frightful toll that otherwise would have been thrice that which it was. And while the awful powers of darkness were focusing in Rasputin, Igor was continually in prayer for the great peoples of Russia and for Mother Russia.

I tell you about this because he left no writing except upon the pages of akasha. But I want you to know that this blessed one who bore this name, which could well be confounded [i.e., confused] by the people of the world as synonymous with “ignorance,” was not ignorant. He was God-taught, and I sponsored his soul at inner levels.

His passion made him to be a patriarch to his people, but they knew him not. His name was never recorded, his own parents did not recognize his inward development—they thought him a strange and weird child, the child of aloneness—and his teachers cuffed his ears and sent him into the corner because they, too, thought him ignorant and without knowledge.

He sought for nothing for himself. But when the full knowledge of spiritual mastery was given to him and he attained a wisdom compatible with my Son Jesus, he did not do as Jesus did—go forth to gather souls by speaking to the masses upon the hilltops—but he wrestled with the souls of men at inner levels.

And as he lay upon his straw pallet and gazed up at the stars at night, his consciousness would roam afar—about the world. And he traveled and journeyed to France, to America and to many lands, seeing clearly and with a greater vision than your television screens can convey the beauty of men’s souls and their perils. When he saw peril there, he prayed, and his prayer filled the very air. His prayers were answered by angels of Raphael’s band, and healing was often effected by his love.

I would like to say to you today that he is the unknown Son of God. I would like to say to you today that if America and Russia are ever able to mend their differences and unify, it will be in part, and a great part, because of the work of Igor.

He has a new name now and it is so beautiful that I wish that I might be permitted to tell it to you. But the Lords of Karma have asked that he remain “the unknown Son.”[2]

His ascension

Of his ascension at the close of that embodiment, Igor has said:

I accepted Mary’s love and her wisdom and my heart was comforted, but the terror burned on. Throughout my life as I sought to be a pilgrim in a strange country, I aspired to attain something higher that I might free men. By and by, through the solemn ritual of the sacred mantra of my devotion toward God and through my one-pointedness, it came to pass that I was finally made ready for the moment of my ascension. And when it was given to me, it was not with mortal witnesses. I went up alone, but quickly found that I was not alone, for around me were many bright beings; and I knew that at last I had gone Home.[3]


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Igor.”

  1. Las fronteras internacionales han cambiado desde la época de Ígor. El monte Ararat, ahora en Turquía, se encontraba entonces en la frontera entre Turquía y Armenia, que a finales del siglo XIX formaba parte del imperio ruso.
  2. Mother Mary, July 3, 1966.
  3. Igor, “The Drama of One Life Touched by God,” The Radiant Word, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 15, no. 53, December 31, 1972.