Orión, el Anciano de las Montañas

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Orión es un gran patriota de luz que trabaja con Godfre y Saint Germain para expandir los fuegos de la libertad desde el corazón de la montaña hacia los corazones de la humanidad. Vivió en los Estados Unidos y ascendió en el siglo XX. Tiene un foco en las Montañas Rocosas y trabaja de cerca con la vida elemental y los cuatro seres de los elementos para mantener el equilibrio de La luz en la Tierra concentrada en el oro.

Su servicio

En 1975 habló de su servicio:

YO SOY el Anciano de las Montañas. No habéis conocido mi llama, pero habéis conocido mi nombre. Orión me llamo, y habéis cantado a la aureola del alba. Me habéis llamado Anciano, y yo he reído con un guiño; porque si me pudierais ver os preguntaríais si soy o no soy un anciano, un joven, o quizá algo entre medias. Vengo escalando las cimas de la vida. Y trabajo con la vida elemental y con el Dios Tabor, abarcando las cadenas montañosas de Norteamérica. Voy en busca de un chela, como una vez fui en busca de un gurú, como conocí a mi maestro en la montaña.

¡Soy un devoto de la libertad y me enorgullece que me llamen patriota de la vida! Porque yo emito el fervor de mi corazón, y ese fervor es una esfera de luz rosa alrededor de cada estrella naciente; las estrellas de vuestra alma, las estrellas de la bandera que ondea al viento, las estrellas de las naciones, las estrellas de los cuerpos planetarios. Y camino con Godfre; camino con Saint Germain, siempre encendiendo, con el fervor de mi corazón, los valiosos conceptos de libertad que ellos tienen por la humanidad. Y al caminar, muchas veces en silencio, meditando en las palabras del Dios Obediencia y del Maestro de la llama de la libertad, también los oigo estar en busca de un chela; no uno, sino muchosCite error: Invalid <ref> tag; refs with no name must have content.

Con claridad y énfasis, él, que está ascendido, destaca la necesidad de constancia en la solicitud por parte de cada estudiante a su propia Fuente Divina individualizada buscando guía en este mundo de la forma hasta que se una a su Fuente en la ascensión en la luz. Porque nadie puede alcanzar la inmortalidad de forma indirecta, mediante los esfuerzos de otro. El amado Orión, como ánimo a sus estudiantes, habla de la necesidad que tuvo de solicitar a su Fuente Divina dirección durante su Armagedón personal cuando, a una temprana edad, en su última encarnación, su sustancia no transmutada, expresada como un delito, desconcertó a sus padres y produjo la condenación de sus asociados. Pero su fe en Dios y el persistente esfuerzo hacia la maestría fue tal que logró su victoria eterna en la luz.

Su última encarnación

Orión habla de un punto de cambio en su última encarnación:

Cuando aún no estaba ascendido y me encontraba contemplando las enormes Sierras, al mirar las montañas, fui inspirado con la exaltación del alma. Y una noche, al tumbarme en el campamento solo, oyendo la música de las estrellas, mi alma remontó el vuelo saliendo de mi forma y conscientemente abandoné mi templo corporal por primera vez. Tumbado allí, en las montañas, mirando las estrellas, la mirada de mis ojos contactando los centros ígneos giratorios transportó mi alma al cuerpo causal de los seres ascendidos y a mi Presencia YO SOY, y tuve un anticipo del vuelo del alma hacia la ascensión.

And how I rejoiced to know that which God holds in store for every living soul! How I rejoiced in that moment, transcending planes of consciousness, to see the servants of God as angels and seraphim and sylphs and masterful beings! And I saw how a cosmos is a succession, one by one, of body temples, of fiery vortices of consciousness becoming God, of God becoming selfhood in manifestation through the cycling of the stars and fiery bodies.

And my own guru upon that holy night came with a visitation of the birth of the Manchild; and I saw the Christ being born, and I saw the record of the descent of the soul of Jesus into that form. Even as I had risen from my body temple to experience planes of causal bodies, so I saw how the soul of the Avatar of the age had descended from his own starry body into form. And so I saw the cycles of life ascending and descending, descending and ascending, and souls upon the ladder reaching for the stars.

Cosmic purpose was born! And I thought: “I must take the record! I must take it to all those below who have not seen the vision of initiation and of freedom.” And the master said to me: “My son, when they are ready, they will have the same initiation that you have been given. And until that hour and that moment, let your communication be with the fiery core of Self and let it be the affirmation of Reality. Let it be the tutoring in the outer of souls—not of the ultimate, but of the next step on the Path.

“Do not burden souls on Terra with the knowledge of the steps high upon the mountain where the rocky crevices are formidable indeed. They cannot equate with higher initiation. They are concerned with the next step; and that step may very well be how to pay the light bill and how to buy the groceries and how to comfort the sick child and how to earn a living and how to bake the bread. These are initiations that pave the way for the mystical union of the body of God on earth and the body of God in heaven.”

And so with these words and more of a teaching so profound and so joyous that I leave you to the communion of your own Master of Life to receive it, I descended once again to my body temple high in the Sierras, and I found myself once again gazing upon the stars in the firmament of God’s being. And I rubbed my eyes and I said, “Was it a dream? Was it a dream?” And I knew in my soul that I had contacted a vastness and a plane of mind where the few are privileged to be.

And when morning came and the sun and the sound of the birds, I remembered the sound of the stars, and I saw even the birds as emissaries of hierarchy speaking to ears that will not listen to the inner sound, singing of a lost chord, singing of hierarchy! And I looked at the birds and all of the kinds of birds and I said, “This is hierarchy. This is the physical manifestation of all the beings who inhabit the spheres.” And as I thought upon nature and the trees and the mountains and the rock and particles of being, I knew profoundly: God is All-in-all. God is All-in-all! Simple words, I know; but when experienced, profound beyond the word. And what can you say to a friend along life’s way when you have had the initiation of the stars? Better keep the silence and say, “God is All-in-all!”[1]

Through his ascended master lens of perception, beloved Orion has observed the wickedness in high places of these latter days, and has discoursed upon the subtle and nefarious plot of the forces of negation to undermine the world economy and to bring about ultimate bankruptcy through excessive price and tax fixing, the exporting of America’s gold and the devaluation of the dollar. It is not that the coin of the realm will buy our passport into heaven, but it does oil the machinery of our vehicles of transportation toward eternal goals. It is this spiritual train of progress that the hordes of shadow would derail; it is spiritual bankruptcy that they desire to precipitate; it is the gold of celestial values that they seek to devaluate; it is the souls of men that they desire to have in order that they may stymie all that God holds near and dear to man. The Old Man of the Hills pleads that we decree for the God-control of the economy.

Orion says:

Now rejoice! For I am close at hand; and I take my walking stick and I hike into the mountains and I anchor my flame in a physical, tangible body. And by and by, one of these days when you are hiking in the mountains, you may see afar off a form of one—perhaps an old man, perhaps a young man, perhaps the flame of Orion! From my heart to your heart, the flame of the mountain glows.[2]


Main article: Orion’s retreat

Orion maintains a focus in the Rocky Mountains.


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Orion.”

  1. Ibid., pp. 232–34.
  2. Ibid., p. 236.