Planeta Violeta

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O Planeta Violeta é um planeta da era de ouro que se encontra no nível etérico, e cujas evoluções tem servido e invocado a chama violeta por éons. Os seus milhões de habitantes incluem 144.000 sacerdotes e sacerdotisas do fogo sagrado que cuidam da chama violeta dia e noite e realizam rituais e cerimônias de chama violeta em milhares de altares. Omri-Tás é o Regente do Planeta Violeta.

As evoluções do Planeta Violeta têm servido a chama violeta há eons e utilizam-na para suprir todas as necessidades da vida diária – limpar a casa, cuidar e purificar o planeta e até para lavar e banhar-se. Os serviços domésticos são realizados por anjos e elementais da chama violeta, o que dá às pessoas tempo para seguirem a senda dos adeptos e servirem outros lares planetários.

Um templo no Planeta Violeta

Omri-Tas descreve um dos templos em seu planeta:

Vede, ó planeta Terra, nosso amor está derramando para você do coração do grande Planeta Violeta. Eu, Omri-Tas, estou agora no centro da poderosa poça de luz. Descreverei para você que você possa conhecer a beleza de suas maravilhas. Esta piscina é setenta pés e circular. Há uma água cintilante, magnífica e de cor amarela, que brilha como faíscas elétricas no centro desta piscina. Existem sete degraus circulares que levam a ele. Existem sete colunas ao seu redor. Estes são de mármore branco e sobem alto na atmosfera. O dossel é naturalmente circular e um belo fluxo de chamas estreladas desce do centro. Essa piscina, então, que habita o Planeta Violeta, fica no centro de um grande anfiteatro, onde os padres se reúnem quando damos nossas invocações sagradas.

Eu escolhi descrever isso a vós para que possais receber algo do cenário de onde estou falando e possais perceber as maravilhas de uma civilização que está livre de comercialização, de desarmonia, de desunião e de todas as causas concomitantes de angústia....

As I stand now upon a tiny, white, circular dais raised within the very center of this pool, I see beneath my feet this shimmering, beautiful, magnetic, yellow-colored water, which flashes with such iridescence and wonder that it is difficult to find words in your own language to describe it unto you....

The marble platform that extends out around this beautiful center-domed temple of light is a pale orange in color. It is set with many white stones sprinkled in it, and the entire effect is magnificent to behold. Many of the priests of our brotherhood here upon the Violet Planet are now lighting canisters ... filled with a special form of electronic energy that releases a stream of violet light in such a manner as to highlight the entire sky and atmosphere around our temple.

The color you see of the sky upon our planet is actually not violet—it is blue like your own. But in order to create the proper atmosphere in this outdoor setting, we utilize a special electromagnetic forcefield whereby even in broad daylight we are able to project from these canisters, focused around the central area of our temple, a radiant color of violet that fills the entire atmosphere.

The effect of the violet reflected in the scintillating yellow pool is magnificent to behold. But there is a spiritual purpose that is conveyed in this magnificent symbol. For there is a special electromagnetic field that pulsates from the water to the top of the tower and enables us to amplify the violet flame in such a manner that throughout the length and breadth of our land, the homes of all of the people upon this planet receive a charge of violet fire in much the same manner that you convey your electrical current upon transmission lines. This violet fire can be contacted by our people and used on special instruments for combing their hair, for washing themselves and, in other ways, for cleansing their homes.[1]

The golden age on the Violet Planet

Omri-Tas has revealed that the evolutions of the Violet Planet had once approached a similar crisis as that faced today by the people of earth. In response to the rallying call of the representative of the Divine Mother, the servants of God were galvanized and turned the tide by the violet flame. As Omri-Tas said:

They heard the call to give their invocations at altars around that planet. There was a saturation of the planetary body with the violet flame. That saturation, therefore, did flush out the fallen angels, who then could be bound by the legions of light and removed.... We went on into a golden age because of the few who responded, and today that planet is sustained in that golden age because the people have not lost the memory of that which was almost a planetary holocaust.[2]

Ver também



Mark L. Prophet e Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Os Mestres e os seus retiros, s.v. “Omri-Tas.”

Pérolas de Sabedoria, vol. 34, n° 65, 15 de dezembro de 1991.

  1. Omri-Tas, July 6, 1963.
  2. Omri-Tas, “A Violet Flame Sea of Light,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 34, no. 26, June 24, 1991.