El Morya's dispensation

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El Morya has asked us to list our personal needs and problems on paper. The reason El Morya made this suggestion for us is because, he said, all of us are too caught up with our personal problems. And we need to get our attention off of our personal problems and into the world scene to look at the major challenges that we face. So he said, “I’ll take your problems. You work for the world.”

This is how you do it. List your personal needs and problems on a piece of paper and put it on your right knee. Next put El Morya's wallet-size card on top of the list. Then put your right hand over the card and list. You have the full power of the Lord of the First Ray in his wallet-size card on the knee and therefore his countenance, his face, is facing your problems. He deals with those problems. Next state to him your needs and problems and make a quick call for their resolution. Turn them over to El Morya, then give your all for the raising of the planet.

We trust Morya to take care of our needs and problems. He never fails when we ask him and he would much rather have you giving your energy to him for the international crises, the world banking system, so many things that are just out of control.


Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “Assignments for Chelas from Vaivasvata Manu and an Opportunity from Djwal Kul,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 45, no. 36, September 8, 2002.