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Created page with "В какой то момент их путешествия Бог призвал Моисея на гору Синай на сорок дней и ночей, чтобы да..."
(Created page with "После того, как страну поразили десять язв, египетский фараон, в конечном итоге, позволил Израил...")
(Created page with "В какой то момент их путешествия Бог призвал Моисея на гору Синай на сорок дней и ночей, чтобы да...")
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После того, как страну поразили десять язв, египетский фараон, в конечном итоге, позволил Израильтянам уйти, и Моисей возглавил их в их странствии через пустыню к Земле обетованной.
После того, как страну поразили десять язв, египетский фараон, в конечном итоге, позволил Израильтянам уйти, и Моисей возглавил их в их странствии через пустыню к Земле обетованной.

At one point in their journey, God called Moses to Mount Sinai for forty days and forty nights to receive the first set of tablets of the Law. But while he was there, the children of Israel rebelled against God and guru. These tablets were inscribed with the covenants that God would make with a holy people. They contained lengthy, detailed statements outlining the way a people sponsored by Sanat Kumara should follow the path of discipleship under the Law and under the guru.
В какой то момент их путешествия Бог призвал Моисея на гору Синай на сорок дней и ночей, чтобы дать ему скрижали Закона. Но пока он был на горе, дети Израиля восстали против Бога и гуру. На этих скрижалях были начертаны заветы, которые Бог готов был положить со святым народом. Они содержали полные и детальные описания того, как люди, имеющие покровительство Саната Кумары, должны следовать стезе ученичества, послушные Закону и Гуру.

The children of Israel were called to be a holy people, but they were not embodying the holiness of God at that time. In Moses’ absence, they worshiped the golden calf. When Moses descended the mountain and saw the people’s stubbornness and their embracing of the god of materialism, he broke the tablets. The detailed covenants were thereby lost and later replaced with ten simple commandments, which God inscribed on a second set of tablets. The people’s test would then be the “test of the ten,” which is the test of the solar-plexus chakra.<ref>Sanat Kumara gives a detailed account of this episode in Moses’ mission in {{OSS}}, pp. 33–39.</ref>
The children of Israel were called to be a holy people, but they were not embodying the holiness of God at that time. In Moses’ absence, they worshiped the golden calf. When Moses descended the mountain and saw the people’s stubbornness and their embracing of the god of materialism, he broke the tablets. The detailed covenants were thereby lost and later replaced with ten simple commandments, which God inscribed on a second set of tablets. The people’s test would then be the “test of the ten,” which is the test of the solar-plexus chakra.<ref>Sanat Kumara gives a detailed account of this episode in Moses’ mission in {{OSS}}, pp. 33–39.</ref>