Heros e Amora

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Heros e Amora são os Elohim do terceiro raio do amor divino e representam o Espírito do Deus Pai-Mãe, na pluma rosa. Eles infundem o poder coesivo do Espírito Santo na terra, no ar, no fogo e na água. Com o poder do amor que irradiam, os planetas são mantidos em órbita e os elétrons mantêm o seu movimento estabelecido.

A radiação de Heros e Amora tem a cor rosa revestida de branco.

Em l995, Heros e Amora concederam uma dispensação memorável: empilharam estrategicamente na Terra milhares de “tijolos de raio rubi”, que “irradiariam o ‘calor’ do raio rubi, para equilibrar os níveis internos do planeta, próximos ao núcleo”. Os tijolos estabilizarão a Terra e reduzirão o poder dos mal-intencionados, aliviando o fardo de trevas do mundo. Os Elohim também explicaram que essa ação provocaria mudanças na Terra, e acrescentaram: “Deveis orar para que as transformações não sejam físicas”. Eles também nos encorajaram a fazer decretos de chama violeta diariamente, para restaurar o equilíbrio do planeta.

Our angels will repair the faults in the etheric sheath, and as you intensify your violet-flame rituals, they will repair the faults in the earth. And you shall see the curtailment of the power of those who have persecuted the body of God in the earth. Ratify this prophecy by your calls, and it shall swiftly come to pass![1]

Heros and Amora would like us to focus on first, the intensification of these ruby-ray bricks and second, the defeat of all forces of anti-love that oppose the union of twin flames and our union with our Higher Self. Visualize the layered ruby-ray bricks radiating an intense ruby heat throughout the earth.

Heros and Amora speak of an action of love that is not widely understood:

The action of love is the action of the mightiest force in all of cosmos, the unleashing of the white-fire core of the atom, of the core of the secret rays.... Watch, then, how the judgment is meted by God through the instrument of the Elohim and through the instrument of love, and see how in the coming days there is a reinforcement of choices: those who choose light will find their light reinforced ... and those who are of the darkness will become that conglomerate mass of the mass subconscious wherein the spirals of self-annihilation and defeat lead, then, to the second death. Choose, then, life!... Choose allegiance to the inner flame. And be not concerned whether or not the messenger, the emissary, is right, is wrong, is real, or is not real.... Be concerned with the choice within the citadel of your own consciousness, your own being and life, and then you will know what is Real.[2]


Main article: Heros and Amora's retreat

Their focus is in the etheric realm over Lake Winnipeg in Canada. The radiance of their pink flame, together with that of Chamuel and Charity, forms an arc of love connecting their retreat with that of the archangel and archeia of the third ray over St. Louis, Missouri.

See also



Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Heros and Amora.”

  1. Heros and Amora, “Bricks of Ruby Ray Planted in the Earth for the Restabilization of the Planet,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 38, no. 40, September 17, 1995.
  2. “The Elohim and Their Retreats,” Pearls of Wisdom, 1978, p. 351.