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Una réplica moderna del arca de la alianza, con querubines que cuidan el propiciatorio

Miembro de una orden de seres angélicos dedicados a la expansión y protección de la llama del amor, que empuñan la espada y el juicio del Rayo Rubí y del Espíritu Santo. Por eso Dios Nuestro SEÑOR puso en la [entrada] oriente (la entrada a la conciencia crística) del huerto del Edén querubines, y una espada encendida que se revolvía a todos lados, para guardar el camino del Árbol de la Vida".[1]

Even so the LORD instructed Moses to fashion cherubim of gold as focuses of these true angelic guardians of the mercy seat of the ark of the covenant.[2] Traditionally, God dwelt between the cherubim and spoke to Moses from the mercy seat—the altar of the I AM Presence, whose Law, engraven on tablets of stone, was carried in the ark from place to place in their wilderness wanderings.

David describes the LORD riding upon a cherub, flying upon the wings of the wind.[3] Ezekiel portrays the cherubim as four-winged, four-faced creatures accompanied by whirling wheels.[4] The cherub may be identified with the winged karibu, “intercessor” in Mesopotamian texts, portrayed as a sphinx, griffin, or winged human creature. Throughout cosmos, the wise and strong cherubim are found in manifold aspects of service to God and his offspring.

The cherubim guard the flame of the ark of the covenant between God and man, focused in the Great Central Sun. They keep the way of the Tree of Life, both in the City Foursquare and in every son and daughter of God. “And they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.”[5]


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Saint Germain On Alchemy: Formulas for Self-Transformation.

Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and the Spiritual Path.

  1. Génesis3:24.
  2. Exod. 25:17–22.
  3. II Sam. 22:11.
  4. Ezek. 1, 10.
  5. Rev. 4:8.